Our district's recently departed superintendent (don't let the door hit you on the way out) now governs the Manchester school district and he is "opting out." He says the district needs to0 review the material first and make sure that it contains educational value. I have to laugh.
I've often wondered if that is a criterion for things that go on in the schools. I questioned it many times when the 8th grade class went to Six Flags on the way home from their Washington, D.C. trip. I suppose they could graph how many kids wet their pants on the roller coaster and ... oh wait, they didn't have to do anything like that. Just have fun.
Here we have this president who is really living in the real world and using tools that this digital generation understands, and there are the old fogey's saying "we have to monitor this." I have to laugh.
So we don't want any message from the president about accomplishing goals and working hard to interfere with the public school message of ... what exactly is their message if this type of a speech is SCARY?
Oh whatever. The stupidity of this stuff continues to amaze me. Normally I would ignore this ridiculous fodder as I do so much of the media-muck; but the commentary on this is just too rich to pass by:
Charles Littlefield, superintendent of SAU 15, which includes Candia, Auburn and Hooksett, said district principals polled their teachers about the speech. "We quite frankly didn't find any teachers that were interested in participating, and we wouldn't make them participate," he said.
Oh, I see. The superintendent doesn't make the teachers do things? I find that comforting, don't you?
So what are we worried about? Brainwashing. "Kids, you are in school and you are on the right path. :::::::::be a democrat be a democrat be a democrat:::::::::: I think that you should all get jobs in Wall Street and make a ton of funny money and steal from people who work hard to earn their money ::::::::universal health care universal health care::::::::::::::::::::: You can come from a well-to-do family and use that money to buy your way into politics, or you can do what I did, work hard, go to good schools and care about my fellow man..."
I can't even go on, it's so stupid it's not even fun!
Has anyone, for one teeny tiny second ever considered this: RESPECT? Our young children will not be brainwashed any more than the crap they watch on TV turns their young minds into mush. Why not have the teachers explain to them that as the elected leader of their country, it would behoove them to take the time to listen to what he has to say? George Bush went to sit in on classrooms and read to young children (he did this to avoid the real work at hand) and no one ever got upset about that.
What is respect, exactly?
I'd say something that is NOT being taught in our public schools. You know, we don't have to make our teachers do things they don't want to.
But then again ... if you found out that you were being shielded from a speech that everyone across the country was watching ... what would that make you want to do?
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