Friday, August 29, 2008

President Obama ... yeah!

I can feel my little activist brain gearing up as things seem to keep coming at me from all directions -- and I keep thinking, yikes!  I need to blog about that.  And that.  And this too!

I'm going to start with Obama's speech last night.  Did you watch it?  Did you get chills?  Did you have tears running down your face?  Did you feel it inside ... as the little glimmer of hope that has been slowly igniting shot up and infused your body with warmth?

Last night was special all on its own -- it was a smashing venue for a small group of 84,000 people to witness an historical event that will be one for the history books to be sure.  An African-American could potentially (YES YES YES HE MUST) be president of the United States.  But there was also something else ... did you see when he would open his mouth despite the fact that there was applause and yelling ... it would go silent instantly.  It was almost ... impossible.  These people cared -- they wanted to hear what he had to say.  And some of his statements were great.  

One of my favorites was "you don't make change in Washington, you BRING change to Washington."

He did a good job.  I know he has speech writers, I know that he has advisors who have advisors who study focus groups and all that political craparaptrap.  But you can't take away the fact that he is the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas.  You can't take away the fact that his wife is a descendant of slaves.  

Why does this matter?

Because it does.  It matters as much as the fact that George Bush was brought up in an entitled world -- and has been sure to prove how entitled he is during his presidency.   The United States of America has run out of cache based on its pedigree -- we can no longer show up to the party assuming we will get in because we are who we are.  George Bush, McCain (there is a photo of McCain clasping George Bush in a hug with his head pressed against his chest in a political ad that is just priceless.  Like he is holding on to the good old days for all he's worth), they will never understand what it is like to not get into the party based on who they are.

They are different, or they are like the upper middle class Americans who can afford multiple homes, lavish vacations, private schools and private clubs so their better-than-everyone else children can consort with their own.  Which is fine, but when this word CHANGE is bantered about, there is the negative contingent who grumbles and says yeah fine, change, but what does that mean?  Change means what it implies -- as in, no longer existing as we do at this very moment.  Will McCain do anything differently than Bush?  No.  Because it's a party thing -- and as Obama said in his speech last night, they will continue to reward the rich through tax cuts in the hope that their wealth trickles down.

Are you getting any trickles?

Change means that we all have to stop assuming that we deserve more.  The American Dream isn't here you go, so glad you were born here, now head over to the appetizer table and start there.  We have possibility in the USA -- and opportunity and hope and a lot of people who feel as though they deserve more -- and don't have to do anything to get it.

Change means that when you are a candidate for any particular office, when someone that is a part of your life becomes a hindrance and not an asset -- that you don't disassociate yourself from that person one hundred percent to appease the people.  The Clintons, the Bushes, and I am sure countless leaders behind them, were always quick to discard of the controversial members of their inner circle -- and there were times where suicides and other untimely deaths followed in that wake.

But in Obama's speech last night, he addressed the issue of his former pastor, the Reverend Wright, and he put it right there on the table:  Yes, he said some things I don't agree with, but I can't discard him any more than I could discard my white grandmother.  

He managed to take what most candidates would view as one hot potato that needed to be thrown out the window and buried, and weave it into his speech and turn potential political suicide into gold.

 Following is an excerpt from a speech he gave in March in the midst of the Rev. Wright BrouHAHA:

On one end of the spectrum, we've heard the implication that my candidacy is somehow an exercise in affirmative action; that it's based solely on the desire of wide-eyed liberals to purchase racial reconciliation on the cheap. On the other end, we've heard my former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, use incendiary language to express views that have the potential not only to widen the racial divide, but views that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.

I have already condemned, in unequivocal terms, the statements of Reverend Wright that have caused such controversy. For some, nagging questions remain. Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely - just as I'm sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.

But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren't simply controversial. They weren't simply a religious leader's effort to speak out against perceived injustice. Instead, they expressed a profoundly distorted view of this country - a view that sees white racism as endemic, and that elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right with America; a view that sees the conflicts in the Middle East as rooted primarily in the actions of stalwart allies like Israel, instead of emanating from the perverse and hateful ideologies of radical Islam.

As such, Reverend Wright's comments were not only wrong but divisive, divisive at a time when we need unity; racially charged at a time when we need to come together to solve a set of monumental problems - two wars, a terrorist threat, a falling economy, a chronic health care crisis and potentially devastating climate change; problems that are neither black or white or Latino or Asian, but rather problems that confront us all.

Given my background, my politics, and my professed values and ideals, there will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough. Why associate myself with Reverend Wright in the first place, they may ask? Why not join another church? And I confess that if all that I knew of Reverend Wright were the snippets of those sermons that have run in an endless loop on the television and You Tube, or if Trinity United Church of Christ conformed to the caricatures being peddled by some commentators, there is no doubt that I would react in much the same way.

But the truth is, that isn't all that I know of the man. The man I met more than twenty years ago is a man who helped introduce me to my Christian faith, a man who spoke to me about our obligations to love one another; to care for the sick and lift up the poor. He is a man who served his country as a U.S. Marine; who has studied and lectured at some of the finest universities and seminaries in the country, and who for over thirty years led a church that serves the community by doing God's work here on Earth - by housing the homeless, ministering to the needy, providing day care services and scholarships and prison ministries, and reaching out to those suffering from HIV/AIDS.

In my first book, Dreams From My Father, I described the experience of my first service at Trinity:

"People began to shout, to rise from their seats and clap and cry out, a forceful wind carrying the reverend's voice up into the rafters....And in that single note - hope! - I heard something else; at the foot of that cross, inside the thousands of churches across the city, I imagined the stories of ordinary black people merging with the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lion's den, Ezekiel's field of dry bones. Those stories - of survival, and freedom, and hope - became our story, my story; the blood that had spilled was our blood, the tears our tears; until this black church, on this bright day, seemed once more a vessel carrying the story of a people into future generations and into a larger world. Our trials and triumphs became at once unique and universal, black and more than black; in chronicling our journey, the stories and songs gave us a means to reclaim memories that we didn't need to feel shame about...memories that all people might study and cherish - and with which we could start to rebuild."

That has been my experience at Trinity. Like other predominantly black churches across the country, Trinity embodies the black community in its entirety - the doctor and the welfare mom, the model student and the former gang-banger. Like other black churches, Trinity's services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor. They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear. The church contains in full the kindness and cruelty, the fierce intelligence and the shocking ignorance, the struggles and successes, the love and yes, the bitterness and bias that make up the black experience in America.

And this helps explain, perhaps, my relationship with Reverend Wright. As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. He strengthened my faith, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children. Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect. He contains within him the contradictions - the good and the bad - of the community that he has served diligently for so many years.

I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.

These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.

Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable. I can assure you it is not. I suppose the politically safe thing would be to move on from this episode and just hope that it fades into the woodwork. We can dismiss Reverend Wright as a crank or a demagogue, just as some have dismissed Geraldine Ferraro, in the aftermath of her recent statements, as harboring some deep-seated racial bias.

But race is an issue that I believe this nation cannot afford to ignore right now. We would be making the same mistake that Reverend Wright made in his offending sermons about America - to simplify and stereotype and amplify the negative to the point that it distorts reality.

The fact is that the comments that have been made and the issues that have surfaced over the last few weeks reflect the complexities of race in this country that we've never really worked through - a part of our union that we have yet to perfect. And if we walk away now, if we simply retreat into our respective corners, we will never be able to come together and solve challenges like health care, or education, or the need to find good jobs for every American.

He not only doesn't discard the man -- he explains what he saw in him and why, and that there is both goodness and badness in people that makes them say things they shouldn't say, or believe things that are either not true or based on misinformation.

His attitude alone is change.  Obama understands that many of us have no understanding of the life of a black man, or I guess I should say person.  He gets that.  And he is patiently attempting to get us to understand.

Oh, another one of my favorite comments was ... "America, we are better than these last eight years.  We are a better country than this."

And he gives examples of what he is going to do.  I can't blog about this endlessly -- it is obvious that I didn't need this speech to push me to vote for him from earlier blogs, but he's got it, as they say.  He's got the charisma, the oratory finesse and hopefully the winning power to start heading this country toward a future of good things -- not bad.

It's really that simple.  And as I stated in a previous blog this week, if hurricane Gustav somehow manages to screw up the Republican Convention, then it proves that the Universe realizes it's time for CHANGE.  We need to listen this time.

Head to this link if you're interested in reading the speech.  Senator Barack Obama - Democratic National Convention

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Why do we always feel that we should do things we don't want to?

It's not like I was on the fence about it ... this afternoon after I showered I realized that I was "done in."   And I said to myself, "I don't want to go to the day student picnic tonight because I am just not in the mood."

You see, I am most always in the mood for just about anything.  I enjoy social activities, I enjoy being with people, but just like the little girl who was very, very good, or very, very bad, when I am not in the mood, I am NOT IN THE MOOD.


You can cajole me, you can try to tell me how much fun I am going to have, you can even try to guilt me, but there will be one strong feeling circulating through my core:  I DON'T WANT TO.


The day student picnic is at the prep school my daughter attends, and like the name implies, it is for day students and their families to get together, sit around on uncomfortable chairs under a tent and eat food that doesn't appeal to me one iota.  (Are you getting my vibe here?)

When Maddie was an incoming day student freshman, we most certainly attended the picnic.   But as my eldest daughter pointed out to me earlier today, I never went to more than her freshman year, and she went on her own after that.  Like, it's not that big of a deal.  Exactly.

And it's not even like I hate the day student picnic -- what really happened is that I wore myself out.  Heck, I am doing a second blog post today -- I have been going all day.  As you can see by the above picture, I have poured myself a glass of wine and I am imbibing in something that relaxes me:  Blogging.  (Now, if you could drink at the day student picnic, I am quite sure I'd be there right now!)

After I dropped Charlie off this morning, I picked up a friend and we went blueberry picking.  It is late in the season and the blueberries do not fall off the bush like they do when they are peak.  I was determined to fill my ten pound bucket, so we picked, and picked and picked and picked.  I actually enjoy blueberry picking, it was a beautiful sunny morning, and the company was delightful.   But it definitely took longer than normal -- we were there a good hour and a half.

After that we went for a scandalous breakfast -- the kind a person who eats raw would shudder at.  The kind I SHOULD shudder at, but instead I chose to enjoy it fully.  Oh, and it was yummy.  I had an omelet with mushrooms, peppers and onions and it was sooooo good, with sourdough toast and home fries.  Scandalous, I know!  Delicious and worth it yum yum yum.  (How many times can you repeat scandalous and yummy in the same paragraph?)

After that, with full stomachs, Maddie and I worked on cleaning out the old patio and wall that we'd started a few days ago.  It was a big job.  First we had to move a pile of old lumber and beams from against the wall to underneath the porch.  We were lifting these things ourselves, jimmying and shimmying them on to the gator, and then driving them to their destination and unloading them.  Oh, did we sweat.

Once that was cleaned up, we proceeded to attack the bushes and weeds with a vengeance.  Many of the branches had woven themselves between the rock and a hard place of the wall, and it took a LOT of tugging to get them out.  It was rewarding work, because just when you thought you couldn't do it any longer, you'd tug and a big chunk would release.

Then all of a sudden I realized I was beat.  The hot sun was beating down on us, and I could feel blisters forming where the loppers I was using to cut the branches was rubbing.   We didn't actually get it to look perfect, but good enough for today.

I was so dirty I had to head directly to the shower, and as you read earlier, I discovered I was a puddle and unable to do much more.  After my shower I read a magazine, but there was 20 pounds of blueberries calling my name.  So with great effort I dressed and began to tackle those.

The problem with a big breakfast like that is that you certainly don't need lunch, but after all that physical activity, I should have eaten something.  But I did not.  Therefore, a tad of grouchiness set in.  I had to go pick up Charlie, and well,  that's just the way it is.  I was negotiating with the kids to try to get them to switch going to the state fair from tonight to tomorrow night, blah blah blah.  They were on board.

But then Peter came home.  He had his picture in his head and well ... there is not a lot of room for variables like a wife who has worked her butt off all day and might, just might, not want to do the previously-decided-upon plan.

So for a bit there ... I almost went, to just appease people.

And what is up with that?  I know myself and I know that without a little assistance (ahem, like the wine) I was not going to be much more than the blob on the chair with nothing to say.

And that is okay.  And quite frankly, I am in hog heaven right now -- the wine is good, there is a breeze wafting in to my office, the dogs are all sprawled about my feet and the truth of the matter is -- I am NEVER ALONE.

That is wrong.

Well, thank you for listening to me ... it was a pleasure doing something pleasureable ...


Bus Start

Picture of Yellow School Bus - Free Pictures -

I am LOVING the school bus!

For years I have been driving the kids to school either myself or with a car pool, and it has made sense because due to the fact that we are a regional district, bus routes can last for upwards of an hour and you have to get your kid on the bus at dawn.

But when they sent out the bus routes this year, I noticed that one near our house (I say near, it's still too far to walk, I have to drive Charlie to the bus stop) is really a straight shot to the school, traveling the same path that I would if I drove him.  So what is the point?

I just didn't expect how much time I would gain!  Yesterday morning was his first day and so I sat in the car with him waiting for the bus.  This morning when we drove up there, he said, okay, I'll see you later.

I asked him if he wanted me to wait with him.  He gave me a "don't be ridiculous" look, and I said well fine!  Have a great day.  (There are two other boys waiting as well).  I was home by 7:20.  I had invested exactly four minutes to driving him to school.  How heavenly is that?

SO heavenly that I had time to blog!  Yahooo!

When Maddie starts school after next week, my plan is to drop off Charlie, then swing back here and pick her up, drop her off and be done with driving by quarter of 8.  Again, another yahoo!

When I had told Charlie that he would be taking the bus this year, I explained that it was absolutely silly for me to follow the same route that the bus did -- that it was a huge waste of gas, which is expensive and a soon-to-be non-existent commodity.  Why not try to save some for necessary trips in the future?  

Does every drop count?  Well of course!  And I think some how we need to get it into our kids heads that they need to help out, it's their future too.

I remember a co-worker telling me that it was always his kids who clued him into what was politically correct at the time.  He said it was his children that freaked out when he threw garbage out the car window.  Apparently it had been considered no big deal to do such a thing, but then kids went to school and learned that littering was BAD, and they transferred that lesson onto their parents.

I remember when Hallie would just glare at me with absolute disgust when she would come upon me brushing my teeth with the water running.  She would slam it off and say in a firm tone that I was WASTING WATER.  Well geesh.  Fine.  To this day if I leave the water running for a few seconds I am consumed with guilt and see her little squinted eyed face glaring at me.

Our lessons come from where ever they will, but one thing here is guaranteed:  The schools will not be teaching the children how to conserve gasoline.  I believe the public school agenda is far more scarier than anyone realizes, but that is another blog.  But the point is, what the general consensus is for these students is to teach them how to be stupid consumers.  And explaining that the price of oil will continue to rise would be detrimental to those who benefit from the price of oil continuing to rise.

So these messages are no longer being conveyed through our children -- and we are complacent, and they are clue less and we continue to believe that nothing will ever change.  And the only way to change is to initiate it, and while it is a small drop in the bucket, Charlie on a bus is a start.

And I gain more time ... and that ...

is priceless.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My American Prayer

Politics suck.

I could end this post right now -- because is there really anything else to say?  Well ... to a writer there is ALWAYS something to say, but this particular topic is a big eye roller to me.  Because it's just so stupid.

For the most part I pretty much ignore things.  I've made my choice, I don't care how many homes John McCain has (though what other details does he not find important?  Ummm, how many countries has the U.S. invaded during your presidency sir?   I, Uh, Let Me Get Back To You On That.)

Sounds like a whole new calendar of stupid comments like the one I have of Bush.   Speaking of which, here is todays:  See, we love -- we love freedom.  That's what they don't understand.  They hate things; we love things.  They act out of hatred; we don't seek revenge, we seek justice out of love."

Just so you know, there are 148 days left before Bush is bye bye.  I will miss my daily dose of hypocrisy, but hopefully my eyes will find something else to roll about!  I'm not too worried.

So as I was saying, who really cares about all the mud slinging and CRAP that the candidates "people" will devise over the upcoming months.  If there was anything REALLY good, Hilary's campaign would have brought it out, and if there is really something deep in Obama's closet, then at least we know he can cover his tracks well.  But it might just be that he is who he is.  Go figure.

And when the media goes after his wife Michele -- again, please hand me the vomit bucket.  There is one thing I know for sure, and there is no particular way the media will accept a woman as a potential first lady.  If she is a true homemaker, then she is a doormat and will do wonders for picking out new china patterns for the White House, but nothing else.  And therefore her husband probably shouldn't be president.

If she is smart, educated and has a job outside the home, then she is too ambitious and unappealing to all those women who do not work.  And therefore her husband probably shouldn't be president.

Because you know, all those women who stay at home and don't work would never want a woman in the White House who works.  And a woman who works wouldn't want a woman in the White House that doesn't!  I mean, seriously.  It's truly of the utmost importance that the First Lady have the right credentials.

For what?


If the potential first lady is breathing, then I say she's qualified.  Any woman who chooses to enter that life at this point in time has to believe.  Has to believe deep in her gut that maybe something good can come of sacrificing her life and family life to a position of service to an ungrateful country.  A country who will criticize her wardrobe as well as any of her choices both personal and political.  You gotta believe.

And then I listen to people talk and they say the problem is, is that Obama is too liberal.  To hell with labels!  Is he a crook?  Will he completely ignore, twist and mutilate the Constitution to get what he wants?

Will he strip away our rights one by one?

I highly doubt it.  He comes from a background where rights are VERY important.   To me, that is very important.  I don't want a leader who ignores his advisors and starts a war based on fear, fear that he fanned into an inferno.  I don't want a leader who ended up in a prison camp either.  I know that McCain's campaign feels that that is one of his assets -- to state that he served his country as a prisoner to me says he couldn't get away!   I know that seems ridiculous, but I've always thought to myself, whenever I've seen an ad talking about this as though it was something good, BE QUIET!  Don't remind people you were powerless.

Powerless people don't appeal to me.  I want Indiana Jones, I want James Bond. I want winners -- not losers.

I've listened to John McCain speak, and he was appealing.  But that was umpteen years ago. Now he needs to tend to his too many homes, maybe mow a few lawns and enjoy the rest of his days.  Some political candidates are like aging rock stars -- they know one gig and one gig only, so they keep going and going and going.


What prompted this particular post this morning was this video:

I watched it, found it very calming, and thought wouldn't it be nice if politics approached voters from a different angle.  That instead of being negative, they were positive.  That it really was about hope, and change for the better of all Americans.   Because we need it.  Four years ago when Bush won the presidency by stealing it (yes, I will never let that go!) I knew without a shadow of a doubt that nothing good would happen.

Has anyone considered that perhaps all the disasters both political and natural that have befallen us these past 8 years might not have anything to do with global warming?  But with the collective despair that has pooled within the universe due to the fact we are living on a ship run by a mad man?  And there's not a damn thing we can do about it but be distressed?

Well.  Let's see if everything changes in 148 days.  If blue skies prevail, if the world itself becomes more peaceful as people are filled with hope and not despair, who knows what can happen.

There's nothing wrong with change.  If it makes you feel alive.  

Don't vote for a particular party just because you always have.  Vote for a future.

Sometimes I think people don't get that it's that bad.  No, I know they don't.

And that's what "they" count on.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Let us Pray

Like someone who reaches for their Bible in times of stress, I scour my bookmarks on raw food and devour the recipes and try to get myself back on track after I have gone so far astray.

There is only one thing that you get from eating "sad" food (Standard American Diet) -- and that is that it is easier.  That is the only benefit.  You do not feel like singing after eating an ice cream cone.  You don't feel as though every fiber of your being is pulsing with energy after eating a piece of chicken.

I noticed tonight that I kept yawning.   Dinner consisted of grilled potatoes, corn and chicken with ice cream for dessert.  I feel just plain icky.   I am craving the energy and the great feelings I get when I eat raw.  I want to feel alive and vibrant!

So for the past hour or so I have been reading through beautiful recipes, trying to imprint upon my brain that these are the foods that will cleanse my soul.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reinventing the wheel

How ironic after a rant about stupid dupid technological rip-offs I should be asked by my dear husband to print out a few labels for CD's.

Because I hate to do things over and over, I printed him out a TON (seemingly a lifetime supply!) of CD labels a long time ago.  In that time my son has crashed and burned the main computer that housed everything (EVERYTHING, including photos, various bits of writing, logos, and templates to various artistic projects I'd delved into, including the template for the CD labels.)  It took me a long time to get over that, but I managed to move on and ended up with the bestest computer in the world -- a big-assed iMac.  Love it.

So a simple task was therefore a huge project that I was in no mood for.  I have a laptop that is old and slow and slow and slow, but it's where all of the photos that I needed for the labels are located.  No big deal, right?  So I managed to locate them and copy them to a zip drive, and then to the Mac.  Things were going smoothly, it was still morning and all was moderately well in the world, considering my camera was broken.  (I actually just picked it up and played with it again, hoping that perhaps it's healed itself.  No go.)

Then I took the disk with the software on it for the labeling thing and loaded that on the Mac.  It crashed when I tried to open if several minutes later.  I deleted it and downloaded it again.  Same result.  I deleted it and downloaded it again.  SAME RESULT.  Apparently there was some kernel error.  GRRRRR.

I then went to the website and downloaded the software directly from the site.  But it would "time out," before it was completely downloaded.  I rinsed and repeated this futile action a good half dozen times before I was thoroughly and completely disgusted and frustrated.  Which is exactly how I'd started the morning with that stupid camera, so things were not improving.  Which anyone knows who deals with technology of any kind, if you absolutely totally and completely need it to work, it will NOT.

And that's all there is to it.

I am not a quitter, no sirreeeee, so I took the disk and loaded it onto the laptop.  Which, since the laptop is deadly slow, took instead of the two minutes to load on the Mac, a good 15 minutes to load up.  At this point I'd chewed through all my fingernails and was now working on pulling out my hair.  As I waited impatiently (meanwhile trying to get it to download to no avail on the Mac) Peter called to make sure I'd printed out the labels.  I explained that there were some technical difficulties, which he cared not to listen to.  He said that he'd be swinging by at 2:00 to get them.  I repeated that thus far I'd not had any luck, and he said with a tinge of disgust to his voice that it wasn't the first time I'd done it. 

No.  I realize that.  I didn't point out that HE was the one who used up the last one and then never said anything about it until THE VERY DAY he needed one.  Geesh.

So, it loads up on the laptop and actually works, which makes no sense, but nonetheless, I proceed to design it.  I can't recall exactly how I did it the first time, but I did my best.  Then I went to print it and realized that of course the laptop has never been attached to THIS particular printer.  So I connect it, and of course it wants the software.  So I go through ALL the software I have, find the right disk, put that in the laptop, and what else do I discover, but ANOTHER disk with the software for the labeling program.  I figure what the heck, and load that onto the Mac, and it works.

In the meanwhile, the printer software to load up on the laptop is taking forever.  In fact, I managed to redo the entire label on the Mac before it was even five percent done.   Then I left to let the software load completely, print it out, and then return to make changes on the Mac.  Because, you see, it is that type of thing that needs micro-adjustments about ten times before it is perfect, and I wasn't even pleased with the end result, but Peter drove in the driveway.

And then he pointed out all the things wrong with the labels I managed to get printed out, and I said Yes, I realize that, but I have been working on this ALL DAY LONG.  Something I had already done before, on a task that I'd put in the hours already.

But you see, no one ever understands any of it.  Oh well.

Have I mentioned my camera is broken?


Smile, your camera is broken again

I hate how everything is shoddily made and basically made to break.  I have no problem paying for something that will provide premium performance and last me longer than a year.   But apparently such a thing doesn't really exist.  

I love my Kodak Easyshare camera -- so much that even when it broke after about a year the first time, I bought another one.  There is no point in fixing these things because it costs more to fix them then it does to buy another one.  Kodak is not in the business of repairing.  Oh, but you know what you can do?  You can trade in your broken camera and they will give you FIFTEEN PERCENT off your new purchase.

Can you believe that?

I am just so disgusted right now -- because I LOVE this damn camera -- it does everything I need.  But can I buy another one?  I don't think so!  I don't know what to do, other than wallow in self-pity and disgust.

I have gone online searching for fixes -- the first camera the lens wouldn't close -- and one fix was to bang it.  It actually worked for a time, until of course all that banging caught up with it and then the pictures started coming out wonky.

I am not afraid to bang, let's just put it that way.  And it became my solution to any problem -- the end problem being that the camera stopped working altogether, which was actually helpful because then I just went out and bought another one to put us both out of misery.

But I can't buy another one.  I would become a shitty camera enabler!  It is fascinating that these cameras break within days of their warranty expiring.  Fascinating.  I have even been told to purchase the extended warranty option on iPod's because they are definitely going to break.  But then when you purchase that warranty, which we did, of course the one problem the iPod was experiencing wasn't covered.    Such a racket.

But I can't live without a camera!  I can not!  But what do I do?  Is it really just status quo that you have to spend a couple hundred bucks a year on a new camera?  Really?  What ticks me off even more is that I bought a new battery for $40 thinking that was the problem.  Do you think this battery will work in any other camera?  Of course not.  They are far too crafty for that.  I wish that they would spend more time perfecting their products than in trying to figure out how to hose the customer.

Wouldn't that be novel?  

I am just tired of all this constant replacing.  Someone stole my daughter's iPod right off our dock -- though I have told her 3.2 million times not to leave it laying around.  I also told her an additional million times NOT to use my headphones, which were expensive.  But since she broke hers, she kept stealing mine.  Those of course were taken in the heist.

Laptops, cameras, iPods -- they are just constantly in need of replacement.  It's disgusting.   Our cell phones, which we've had for two years and yahoo for us, we actually made it through our contract, are becoming quirky in their behavior.  Mine takes forever to have a call come through and it NEVER rings.  Ever!  It just beeps to tell me someone has called.   Whatever.  Just a bunch of junk we use to junk up our lives.  That's really the bottom line!  

I have NO desire to purchase another camera.  Maybe I need to learn how to live without all these things that are built to break so that I will purchase another one and keep a shitty company in business!  I don't want to be a part of the diabolical plan!

Are there any camera companies out there that pride themselves in building products to last?  


Monday, August 18, 2008

B words abound

I am having a hard time being home.  My spirit is still on the Vineyard, driving around with the wind whipping through my hair, the ocean surrounding me.   I want to walk out on the deck and gaze out across the water and decide what type of day it will be:  Beach?  Biking?  Hanging around the pool?

It is absolutely beautiful here today.  Not a cloud in the sky.  And I don't care.  I don't want to go to the dock, I don't know what I want to do!  Yesterday I went to buy food.  There was none to be had.  The farm stand didn't have any lettuce, one small bunch of kale and everything else didn't appeal to me.  I then went to the joke of a health food store in town and they didn't have any fruit.  The woman was unapologetic.  I am not sure why they don't just out and out go out of business, because that is clearly where they are headed.  Every time I walk in there something has been taken away and there is more open floor space.

So then I went to the supermarket, which I hate and abhor, and bought overpriced organic apples that are teeny tiny and some lettuce which is from GAWD KNOWS WHERE.

I was not pleased.  In fact, I was disgusted.  It means I have to once again wrap my head around the fact that I live in a very sucky area for food, and it is so depressing.  I mean, it is August for heaven's sake.  What?  No more locally grown food?

Not that the island was pristine in this arena.  The local farmstand that has always boasted locally grown produce straight from their fields is now just a machine.  I had to run in one evening to get something, oh, some lettuce, and as I stood in the 20-person-deep line, I looked around.  Next to nothing was organic and next to nothing was even locally grown.  I looked in the back and there were people ripping boxes open as fast as they could to get the shipped produce out onto the shelves.  Blech!  So all these people were standing in line for the exact same produce they could buy at the supermarket in any town, city or country for that matter, and paying through the nose for the simple idea of locally grown produce.  Cuz it wasn't what they had in their little baskets.

I never returned, which was fine with me because it is ridiculous how crowded it gets -- and I guess you can't blame the place, why not make money off the masses of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Connecticuters who don't take the time to look around?    There is one privately-owned grocery store on the island that does have locally grown produce, and that is where I went and was most happy.  It sure beats driving around to five places, let me tell you.

I am sick of the food search, I really am.  Maybe I should just stop trying to eat healthy, eat what everyone else is eating, contract multiple diseases and die a young death.  Sometimes it feels as though it would be easier, I swear!

The problem with eating the way I have been the past few weeks, is that it sucks out my spirit.  So I guess it's not really roaming around on the Vineyard, it just doesn't exist!  I have to fill my cells with good food and living enzymes so that I can once again return to the optimistic energy-filled person I was two weeks ago.  Right now I feel so bleah and blech and blah and blue.

I am going to go make some juice with those stupid little apples and see if I can stop being so ...  so full of b words!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Food for thought

It is good to be home, and it is bad to be home.  It is bad because I still want to be on vacation!  It is good because there's no place like home.

Sorry Dorothy.

As the kids have planted themselves in front of the TV and Peter is out vacuuming six inches of beach sand from the Jeep, I realized that I haven't blogged in eons.  How cool is that?  A true vacation is when you remove yourself from your daily ways and by the end of the second week I had even pretty much given up juicing.

I was bad.

Not a little bad, but BIG TIME BAD!  Ooooh, the tales my stomach could tell you.  Between all the food and cocktails, I can't even begin to remember what it is like to eat healthy!

I knew things were going to be interesting when the first week I ordered a FRIED fish sandwich and french fries and ate them guilt-free and didn't experience a drop of remorse or gastric revenge.

Hmmmm, I thought.  I ate an ice cream that week, but in truth I was pretty good, juicing daily and eating fairly good lunches.

But the second week?  Oh my.  Lions and Tigers and Bears.

Sorry Dorothy.

I've had bagels with cream cheese and avocado and tomato, bagels with just cream cheese, fudge, fudge and more fudge (I forgot I ate lots and lots of that the first week!) and french fries and lobster tails and desserts at fancy restaurants and wine and wine and vodka tonics vodka tonics vodka tonics vodka tonics vodka tonics ... to infinity and beyond!

Sorry Buzz Lightyear.

This morning I had an omelette that was to die for, and it came with home fries and toast and I ate every bit of it.  But tomorrow is another day (sorry Scarlett) and I'm going to have to climb back on that wagon and glue myself to it.

But the good news is that my stomach, so brutalized over the years and brought to a point where the slightest bit of unhealthy food had me running to the bathroom, has obviously healed itself through the past months of eating so well, and I actually COULD do it (which of course is not really all that good because the incentive for eating well is somewhat diluted).  Which underscores to me how important an eating plan it really is, and I am excited to delve further into it.

But in the meantime, it is time to say farewell to a vacation from healthy eating and return to the real world.   And maybe I'll have a vodka tonic to celebrate it.

Or not!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Jeeping and the Sleeping

The Jeeping first because the sleeping is a sad tale!

So, for years I have watched people driving on the beach and thought, wow, that looks like fun, I should do that. But I did not. And now that I have finally taken the leap, I can't believe it has taken so long to do something that is so AWESOME!

The parts that kept me from doing it were fear of the unknown (I guess!) and the tire thing. Meaning, that you have to let air out of your tires before driving on the sand and to me, that just seems wrong! Letting air OUT of your tires? That's sorta like pouring a glass of primo wine, then spilling half of it out so that you can walk on the beach.

Okay, bad analogy. But anyway, to drive on the beach you have to obtain a permit, which is really no big deal. You can probably get one actually on the beach, as there is a little house with rangers in it (rangers? Am I making that up?) but I drove to the Duke's County office and bought one there. Then drove to the spot where you let out the air in your tires, we all did that, then threw the Jeep into four wheel drive and off we went.

And oh, it felt so wrong. The vehicle was bouncing so much I thought for sure we were going to pop all four tires. POP POP POP POP, just like that, I waited for the end of it all, as we would sink into the sand, it would turn into quicksand, and all of us would be swallowed up whole and forever.

I do have an active imagination. Always have.

And since I have never actually driven the Jeep in four wheel drive, I wasn't really sure of its capabilities, and I even found myself wishing that I had the Toyota, which is amazing in all conditions. But soon, once the bouncing became less relentless and we could see all the cars set up on the beach, it became really cool to be out there! But I was still being a bit of a baby and wanted to find a parking place sooner rather than later.

Which we did. And like all things, you have to get a feel for the lay of the land. First we pulled up between two vehicles and the woman stood up on one side and said they were saving that space for friends. Oh really? You can do that? Obviously rather than fight her or be near people such as that, we proceeded further down the beach and found a space between two cars and backed in. (I should also note that as the day progressed, the spaces between the two cars I was between was filled up by two other cars.) So really, the key is to have a lot of friends and take up a lot of space!

It is such joy and wonder to not have to schleppe your stuff from car to beach. To just pull it out and set it up is amazing, it really is. It is AWESOME!

The second day we became quite brave (well okay, I did, Cheryl claims she never had any fear whatsoever!) and drove all the way to the end of the 1/2 mile trail and set up there. It was so cool, as there has been a breach in the beach last year and now there are all these funky tidal patterns, one creating a natural water park, so to speak. You walk up, jump in the water, and it pulls you around the point, really fast! It is so much fun! We must have done it like 20 times (and it is exhausting for you have to kind of dig in to stop and then haul yourself out).

So the Jeeping -- priceless.

The sleeping? I think I can sum that up with one word. Futon.

Yes, the "queen sized beds" are actually futons placed on a piece of plywood. I am currently laying upon one piece of hellish sleepery and trying to assess which parts of my body hurt the least. My back is a goner, my hips are groaning, my shoulders murmuring in my ear.

Seriously, futons? Now I have a new question to ask when looking for houses to rent:

Are there actually mattresses in the bedrooms, or are they hard lumps of hell?