Saturday, August 16, 2008

Food for thought

It is good to be home, and it is bad to be home.  It is bad because I still want to be on vacation!  It is good because there's no place like home.

Sorry Dorothy.

As the kids have planted themselves in front of the TV and Peter is out vacuuming six inches of beach sand from the Jeep, I realized that I haven't blogged in eons.  How cool is that?  A true vacation is when you remove yourself from your daily ways and by the end of the second week I had even pretty much given up juicing.

I was bad.

Not a little bad, but BIG TIME BAD!  Ooooh, the tales my stomach could tell you.  Between all the food and cocktails, I can't even begin to remember what it is like to eat healthy!

I knew things were going to be interesting when the first week I ordered a FRIED fish sandwich and french fries and ate them guilt-free and didn't experience a drop of remorse or gastric revenge.

Hmmmm, I thought.  I ate an ice cream that week, but in truth I was pretty good, juicing daily and eating fairly good lunches.

But the second week?  Oh my.  Lions and Tigers and Bears.

Sorry Dorothy.

I've had bagels with cream cheese and avocado and tomato, bagels with just cream cheese, fudge, fudge and more fudge (I forgot I ate lots and lots of that the first week!) and french fries and lobster tails and desserts at fancy restaurants and wine and wine and vodka tonics vodka tonics vodka tonics vodka tonics vodka tonics ... to infinity and beyond!

Sorry Buzz Lightyear.

This morning I had an omelette that was to die for, and it came with home fries and toast and I ate every bit of it.  But tomorrow is another day (sorry Scarlett) and I'm going to have to climb back on that wagon and glue myself to it.

But the good news is that my stomach, so brutalized over the years and brought to a point where the slightest bit of unhealthy food had me running to the bathroom, has obviously healed itself through the past months of eating so well, and I actually COULD do it (which of course is not really all that good because the incentive for eating well is somewhat diluted).  Which underscores to me how important an eating plan it really is, and I am excited to delve further into it.

But in the meantime, it is time to say farewell to a vacation from healthy eating and return to the real world.   And maybe I'll have a vodka tonic to celebrate it.

Or not!!!

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