Politics suck.
I could end this post right now -- because is there really anything else to say? Well ... to a writer there is ALWAYS something to say, but this particular topic is a big eye roller to me. Because it's just so stupid.
For the most part I pretty much ignore things. I've made my choice, I don't care how many homes John McCain has (though what other details does he not find important? Ummm, how many countries has the U.S. invaded during your presidency sir? I, Uh, Let Me Get Back To You On That.)
Sounds like a whole new calendar of stupid comments like the one I have of Bush. Speaking of which, here is todays: See, we love -- we love freedom. That's what they don't understand. They hate things; we love things. They act out of hatred; we don't seek revenge, we seek justice out of love."
Just so you know, there are 148 days left before Bush is bye bye. I will miss my daily dose of hypocrisy, but hopefully my eyes will find something else to roll about! I'm not too worried.
So as I was saying, who really cares about all the mud slinging and CRAP that the candidates "people" will devise over the upcoming months. If there was anything REALLY good, Hilary's campaign would have brought it out, and if there is really something deep in Obama's closet, then at least we know he can cover his tracks well. But it might just be that he is who he is. Go figure.
And when the media goes after his wife Michele -- again, please hand me the vomit bucket. There is one thing I know for sure, and there is no particular way the media will accept a woman as a potential first lady. If she is a true homemaker, then she is a doormat and will do wonders for picking out new china patterns for the White House, but nothing else. And therefore her husband probably shouldn't be president.
If she is smart, educated and has a job outside the home, then she is too ambitious and unappealing to all those women who do not work. And therefore her husband probably shouldn't be president.
Because you know, all those women who stay at home and don't work would never want a woman in the White House who works. And a woman who works wouldn't want a woman in the White House that doesn't! I mean, seriously. It's truly of the utmost importance that the First Lady have the right credentials.
For what?
If the potential first lady is breathing, then I say she's qualified. Any woman who chooses to enter that life at this point in time has to believe. Has to believe deep in her gut that maybe something good can come of sacrificing her life and family life to a position of service to an ungrateful country. A country who will criticize her wardrobe as well as any of her choices both personal and political. You gotta believe.
And then I listen to people talk and they say the problem is, is that Obama is too liberal. To hell with labels! Is he a crook? Will he completely ignore, twist and mutilate the Constitution to get what he wants?
Will he strip away our rights one by one?
I highly doubt it. He comes from a background where rights are VERY important. To me, that is very important. I don't want a leader who ignores his advisors and starts a war based on fear, fear that he fanned into an inferno. I don't want a leader who ended up in a prison camp either. I know that McCain's campaign feels that that is one of his assets -- to state that he served his country as a prisoner to me says he couldn't get away! I know that seems ridiculous, but I've always thought to myself, whenever I've seen an ad talking about this as though it was something good, BE QUIET! Don't remind people you were powerless.

Powerless people don't appeal to me. I want Indiana Jones, I want James Bond. I want winners -- not losers.
I've listened to John McCain speak, and he was appealing. But that was umpteen years ago. Now he needs to tend to his too many homes, maybe mow a few lawns and enjoy the rest of his days. Some political candidates are like aging rock stars -- they know one gig and one gig only, so they keep going and going and going.
What prompted this particular post this morning was this video: http://www.myamericanprayer.com/
I watched it, found it very calming, and thought wouldn't it be nice if politics approached voters from a different angle. That instead of being negative, they were positive. That it really was about hope, and change for the better of all Americans. Because we need it. Four years ago when Bush won the presidency by stealing it (yes, I will never let that go!) I knew without a shadow of a doubt that nothing good would happen.
Has anyone considered that perhaps all the disasters both political and natural that have befallen us these past 8 years might not have anything to do with global warming? But with the collective despair that has pooled within the universe due to the fact we are living on a ship run by a mad man? And there's not a damn thing we can do about it but be distressed?
Well. Let's see if everything changes in 148 days. If blue skies prevail, if the world itself becomes more peaceful as people are filled with hope and not despair, who knows what can happen.
There's nothing wrong with change. If it makes you feel alive.
Don't vote for a particular party just because you always have. Vote for a future.
Sometimes I think people don't get that it's that bad. No, I know they don't.
And that's what "they" count on.
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