Friday, August 22, 2008

Let us Pray

Like someone who reaches for their Bible in times of stress, I scour my bookmarks on raw food and devour the recipes and try to get myself back on track after I have gone so far astray.

There is only one thing that you get from eating "sad" food (Standard American Diet) -- and that is that it is easier.  That is the only benefit.  You do not feel like singing after eating an ice cream cone.  You don't feel as though every fiber of your being is pulsing with energy after eating a piece of chicken.

I noticed tonight that I kept yawning.   Dinner consisted of grilled potatoes, corn and chicken with ice cream for dessert.  I feel just plain icky.   I am craving the energy and the great feelings I get when I eat raw.  I want to feel alive and vibrant!

So for the past hour or so I have been reading through beautiful recipes, trying to imprint upon my brain that these are the foods that will cleanse my soul.


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