That is how life has been lately ... kind of hurried.
I don't like it.
We got our new mattress (a tempurpedic kind) and I have definitely been sleeping much better. But I never have time to just revel in it! It seems I am always jumping out of bed to do something; and I just want to enjoy it.
So I did that this morning. I drove Charlie to school then returned to bed with a book and my smoothie and read. And read. And read. Sheer and total heaven. SOOOOO what I needed.
Then Hallie and I hit the woods. We hiked for two-and-a-half hours in the sun-dappled woods upon a crunchy carpet of yellow, red and orange fallen leaves. Beautiful. (And just how many adjectives can YOU get in a sentence at one time!)
And now ... it is tomorrow!
Mid-blog I had to go pick up Charlie. I was rather hoping that I could convince one of the THREE other licensed drivers in the family to do it, but no go. Hallie was already at the grocery store getting dinner and wasn't back in time; Maddie drove in, grumped about how much homework she had to do and stormed to her room; and Peter ... still not home from work.
So, I drove. And enroute my ankle started to KILL me. While hiking I had stepped on a stick which then rammed into my ankle, and while it hurt at the time, I literally just walked it off. Guess I hit a nerve or something, because I was in agony. I could hardly stand the pain of pushing on the brake and gas pedal, and SERIOUSLY considered having Charlie (who is almost 14) drive home. Well, semi-seriously if you are a cop reading this.
When I got home I couldn't even walk on it. I had to hobble inside, and I examined it and saw it was swollen. All I could think of was getting it elevated and iced ... and I explained that I was not going to be able to cook dinner as planned because I was IN AGONY.
People waiting for their food (and having to wait a good long time because I had to leave to drive for an hour) do not take kindly to discover that they will not be fed. Whatever, I got to the couch and put my aching ankle on a pile of pillows and instantly felt better. Total relief. With TV remote in hand, I started to relax.
Eventually, after exhausting several take-out options (well, we ONLY have two, and one of them is closed on Mondays) it was determined that Hallie would take over the reins and attempt the homemade pizza I was going to make. I must say, I make a damn good pizza, but she did fine, and it was LOVELY to be waited on hand and ankle ... hahaha.
I had arranged for a walking date this morning and wondered if I should cancel it, but I started moving my ankle around and realized it felt better, and by the time I actually got off the couch, I could walk with minimal pain. How weird is that?
I drove Charlie to school this morning and it was fine, so I just returned from a six mile walk, no pain at all. I am serious, who goes from hobbling and agony to perfectly fine the next day? I agree, kind of weird and even weirder that I would go hiking, but I chose a flat surface (the rail trail) and figured I could turn around if it hurt. Instead, we walked further than we ever have on the trail -- another marathon 2-and-a-half hours!
I mean, it aches a little, but I can certainly use it. (I just realized how wack it all sounds, and so I decided to concentrate on my ankle and see what the deal was!) The place where the stick went in is where the pain is; it must have been a nerve. Freaky.
Clearly I am not in a blogging mood since I can't seem to stray off the topic of my ankle! I just can't believe I can't get one done! It must have something to do with the fact that I am working on my book. I am going to send it to Kindle -- and then anyone who owns a Kindle can get it! So, if you were on the fence as to whether or not you need a Kindle (and quite frankly, I love mine more than I ever thought I would) now is the time; because you can read MY book on it!
I've been wanting a Kindle and have been seriously considering one. You just cemented that deal. :)
Yeah! One Kindle convert down, a cazillion to go!
I was wondering what happened to you!! Seriously!! It was as though your dropped off the face of the earth. Can I borrow your kindle to read your book? Thanks!!
Sure, you can borrow my Kindle and I'll borrow your car. You won't miss it, right?
Nope...not if I am completely absorbed in your kindle!! ha ha ha
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