Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You didn't have to be there, to be there

I just want to write about this because it's worth remembering.

Obama spoke to 125,000 people in Grant Park in Chicago.  You could have heard a pin drop.  At no time did the crowd overtake what has turned into an almost solemn awe of what has happened tonight.

Because it was (is) awe-some.  Obama was incredibly calm and he threw that out into the crowd and I thought, wow, if he took on a different vibe, think of how that just wouldn't work in that throng of people -- it would have been bedlam.  He has that kind of aura, if you will.  While he spoke, people everywhere stood silent, tears streaming down their cheeks, and they listened.  In Times Square people stood silent and gazed up at the screen.  Blogs across America went silent as people listened.  And it wasn't even so much what he said, it was that he was there projecting his vision of hope and a dose of reality in the fact that things suck right now, but that's okay.  No false promises.

And I sat there, in my living room, and sobbed.  Like a big baby.  I didn't even realize it until my nose was running and I was blubbering ... but I was mesmerized.  So many young people in the crowd, so many black people.  So many people full of hope.  It was so worth the fact that it is almost one in the morning to have felt it.

I am telling you -- there is so much hope out there right now, if only we could bottle it.  I hope we can hold onto it in the years to come, because we're so going to need it.  But we have a leader now, and just think.  We haven't had one IN EIGHT YEARS.  

Good night America.

We're going to be okay.

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