After coming off a few days of "blackout" myself, I am horrified that poor Obama might not be able to keep an email account -- or even worse -- his blackberry, once he becomes president.
Talk about technology not keeping up with the Oval Office! I don't care about security, blah blah blah. If the guy wants to email his friends and say "go Sox!" then he should be allowed to. I do not think he should be allowed to email his friends and say "thinking of blowing up Cuba tomorrow, what do you think?"
I mean, let's be adults here. Obviously you don't use email correspondence for private, secure, top-secret "government stuff." But I think he should be trusted to be allowed to keep something that keeps him informed. Believe me, you can't even find a movie that is playing without an internet connection!
I find it ridiculous that the president doesn't even have a laptop (the current one that is). If it is the way you have become, as it is most certain Obama has, then it just is. You can't stop knowing how to find out things within seconds, you can't just stop and wait for a committee to gather to inform you. It would drive me INSANE! I want a happy President, thank you very much!
I was watching excerpts from Michele and Barack on 60 Minutes and I was struck by his comments on how he (and he wasn't complaining!) misses things like taking a walk, or going to have his hair cut. He said that it was a loss of connection ...
I don't think anyone has any idea what it is like to be the President of the United States. But man, they are just so wonderful to watch. They are so true ... it's not like Laura Bush, who in 8 years has made no imprint whatsoever in my mind because she's always "I support my husband ..." whereas Michele is out and out a force herself. She was asked if she could truly, as a Princeton and Harvard Law School graduate, sit inside the White House and "just be a Mom."
She is so comfortable in her own skin and doesn't have to prove anything. I flashed back to Hillary -- who was our first "strong" woman first lady, and the difference between them is that Hillary can't prove herself enough -- she has to push, push and push. She wanted it clear right from the get-go that she had a brain and she was going to use it. Damn-it! And all she ended up doing was making a stupid "not going to sit at home and bake cookies," crack that pretty much ended up being her claim to fame. She couldn't win. She tried too hard.
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I don't know why, but I totally and thoroughly enjoyed watching the two of them. And I loved it how Obama (I can never decide, do I call him Barack or do I call him Obama ... and then I have to think, which is the first and last name?) Anyway, I loved it when he was talking about his mother-in-law. He just seems like a guy you could easily have a conversation with. And want to.
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And so, after watching that, don't you agree that if the President wants to email his buddies about a college playoff system, that he should be allowed to?
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