Thursday, November 6, 2008

What to do, what to do ... the world's ugliest food processor!

Oooooooooh I have been "uncooking" for hours.  Somehow I have found myself caught up in re-creating cooked foods, and I am thinking this is not the path I want to go down!

For one thing, there is too much focus on food itself.  My dehydrator arrived yesterday and the first thing I did was make onion "bread," which is STILL in the dehydrator as we speak.  It has been in there since yesterday afternoon.  Let me tell you this -- it is painful and TORTUROUS to smell that -- it is incredible how strong it is.  I woke up this morning and was like WOWSA.  It's supposed to turn into like a cracker, but I don't see that happening!  It said it only had to be in for 4-6 hours ... like, ten times that!

I also made onion bagels and "chicken nuggets" today, all in the dehydrator for the next few days if that flat onion bread is any indicator of how long things take!  I'm not even a huge fan of chicken nuggets in real life (so to speak!) but they sounded good the other day when I was making my shopping list STARVING.

I know better than that -- to make a list while starving!  I am starving now because I have been so busy making things for the future, I haven't taken time to feed myself now.  I know, I know, it's all bizarre.  I am waiting for the lightbulb to go off ... the one thing that is going to be like THIS is where I am going with this!  Right now I am just frustrated, and I can't hold a class until I am sure I can present something of value.

The truth of the matter is, this is a very expensive and time-consuming venture.  I may have just taken a wrong turn (in making such complex meals) and just need to find my way back to salads, juices and smoothies.  But this is me -- I accept that.  I go overboard -- waaaaaaay overboard -- and yet, it's kind of fun, all the experimenting!

But I know without a shadow of a doubt that there are very few people who would want to invest the time and energy I have the past few days into preparing these meals.  Do I enjoy it enough to do it on a grander scale?  Do I want to open up a venue where people can come buy food?  I just don't know!!!!

I guess the first thing to do is schedule a class and see what happens from there.  I have no idea what type of response I would get -- all I know are people who are not interested in this type of thing (for the most part) so it's very hard to say.

And then there is equipment.  Will people automatically be discouraged from doing it because they don't have the right stuff?

Now me, I just go out and buy it.  But it is all expensive and I understand most people wouldn't make that type of commitment at the start.  I didn't even buy a dehydrator the first time I attempted raw, because I bought the really pricey blender instead.

My Cuisinart food processor is old and well-used and today while I was making something all the water I had just poured in seeped out through a multitude of tiny, hairline cracks that surround the bowl.  I got out a bunch of towels, poured in more water and put it on, and wondered briefly if I would electrocute myself.

It made such a mess that I went online and looked up food processors.  And there was the Cuisinart that I had completely the same -- not one thing changed in over 20 years!) and I thought, well, the base of this thing is perfectly fine, I'm not going to buy a whole new bottom .  This is so not me -- normally I will push the button -- but instead I got out duct tape and taped up the holes!  HAHAHAHA.  I have no idea if this will actually work, but now I have the UGLIEST food processor in the world!  Which makes it all that more appealing to me!

So I will have a class and someone will start talking about equipment, and I will have before me a beat-up old food processor that looks like hell and I can shrug and say you really don't have to go all out!  Yeah, I think that is the key!

I really do enjoy cooking.  I have to think about this.

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