I've discovered it. I have!
Discovered what?
Well, the meaning of life of course!
As I watched this movie today, so completely and utterly drawn in, I had to ask myself, what IS it about the Twilight books, the movie, that I find so compelling?
I like Bella of course because she is her own person. She doesn't care about being in the in crowd, she doesn't care what people think of her or what she wears or what she looks like. In fact, she thinks she isn't that special at all and assumes that is how everyone else sees her.
She is unassuming.
I am not like her at all, really, but I certainly relate to her on a certain level.
And then there is ... Edward.
He is the ultimate ... ULTIMATE ... bad guy. I've always been attracted to "that guy" -- the one you don't want to bring home to meet Daddy. Perhaps all women are, I don't know. But Edward stands for Every Girl's dream, and he has manners to boot. If he loves you, he won't kill you. Gotta love that.
Star-crossed lovers are always good fodder for romance novels and movies because ultimately you want to see the near impossible happen. I can recall when my daughter watched Pretty Woman like everyday for years. Hey, I liked the movie and I liked looking at Richard Gere, but not everyday. But I got it, because it is the ultimate Cinderella story and we all want that -- to be swept off our feet and told that we are loved despite who we are.
Bella and Edward are so endearing to our psyches because they are such polar opposites -- and yet, the attraction, despite its impossibility -- is what drives us to root for them. Because the ultimate message is, if you love someone and they love you, then he can resist sucking your blood and you can forgive him for being a 300 year old monster vampire. It's really that simple.
And brings us back to the meaning of life.
Which is love.
That's all we want.
But we want impossible love -- we want love that defies all common sense and possibility. We want it, because love is like a drug -- once you taste it, you want more and more and more.
So what is wrong with that?
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