So. Last Tuesday I was at my sister's and her daughter Emma is all into these Twilight Series books and my sister had finished the first and was almost done the second. These are big books, but boy, do you go through them quickly. I borrowed the first one and took it home.
By Wednesday morning I had all but a few chapters left. I finished those then later in the afternoon went to the bookstore to buy the second book. I also checked to see if they had the next two in the series, but they did not.
I read that all night and finished it in the morning. Then I paced. What should I do? If I ordered the other two online, it would take DAYS to come. Was there a bookstore in Hanover? Lebanon? How come I wasn't sure? Hmmmmmm.
By late afternoon (with the internet down as well!) I drove to Concord and ran into Border's ... I might have been panting. I bought the last two (in hard cover damnit!) and Maddie looked at me like I was nuts and said maybe I should read one first and then buy the other one after that. I said NO. WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY? I don't care what they cost ... I NEEEEEEEEED them.
And now I am starting to see something I should have thought about earlier: I am running out of my fix. I of course read most of the third last night ... and I am physically keeping myself away from the book right now. But it will be done in no time ... and then there is only one more left.
I have NEVER gone through books like this. I mean, I literally have no desire to put them down. They never get boring, they are absolutely and completely ridiculous ... totally over the top, and I am eye rolling some of the time. But that means nothing. I am hooked.
Have I mentioned these are geared towards the younger set? That you have to find them in the Young Adult section?
Yeah, I know, it's a little weird. And my own young adult refuses to read them herself. She scoffed when I told her it was about this girl and a vampire ... and said "please, no more, I am not interested."
NOT INTERESTED? I just don't understand. Even my reading compadre, Hallie, said that Emma had mentioned them over the summer but she didn't like vampires either.
Well poooh to all of them. I love vampires. Well, I love one vampire in particular. I love his cold, marble lips and his beautiful appearance and his sense of humour. I love Edward. I do!
I am now obsessed with vampires. I am going to read the Anne Rice series ... because I too used to say that vampires did not interest me. But ... I have been turned on to those bloodsuckers and there is no turning back now -- because I am just about out of this fix ... and I need to line something up. I believe Anne Rice is a prolific writer as well. (I don't know what it is about vampires, but they keep a story going!) Maybe it has something to do with their immortality.
Of course, these are nice vampires. But just like humans, there are bad vamps and good vamps. One just needs to have an open mind. And werewolves ... now they aren't always scary either.
I think I'll end this right now before I sound even more deranged than I think I do.
And go read.
I've heard about this series. After camp last summer, the boys said all the girls were reading it. Is it really a "girl" book? Do you think the boys would like it? I guess I'm going to have to get the first one and see what I think.
Sorry you were without internet for so long. What a pain.
Happy to have you BACK!!!
I think you like the Vampires because blood is raw!
Yes, blood is raw. But undoubtedly toxic!!!
I am not sure if it is a "boy" book as well. Mostly because it is less about danger and adventure and far more about L O V E!
Actually, I have NO idea why I keep reading and reading and reading it. I should have Charlie try.
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