I drove by a handwritten sign today after dropping Maddie off at school and it said something along the lines of Hey Kids, you can be anything you want to be in the United States of America.
That's what I'm talking about! The type of emotion and gut-wrenching hope that inspires someone to find a piece of cardboard, write that, then go stake it out in their lawn on the morning after.
The morning after we went from the potential dark depths of hell to a brand new beginning.
Yeah, I think it is that serious. Someone said on TV that Obama spoke to the consciousness of people last night. And that is exactly what happened. This is a unifying moment that I will never forget. I will never forget how it felt to witness the goodness in people. What a difference the McCain crowd was -- all white. White White White everywhere, faces, hair ... a sea of white.
The Obama rally was a sight to see. Black babies squirming in their mother's arms, every age of American stretched from one end of the park to the other ... all together ... all as one. It was so cool to know I had a daughter in that crowd -- a young person who cared enough to be there.
It was a very small percentage of the black vote that put Obama in office. The majority was white. Why is this important? Because it is. Because it means that a really large percentage of us have moved beyond color and race and are seeing the person.
This is evolution.
Hallie! Tell us what it was like to be there last night.
OMG! President Obama. If you don't look behind, you can almost forget the burning Bush.
Following are Hallie's comments about being at the rally in Grant Park, Chicago, Nov. 4, 2008:
So that was probably one of the coolest things I have ever experienced! We made it to where we wanted approximately one minute before they started counting down the closing of the west coast polls and then the projection came on that Obama was president and people went nuts! People were crying and laughing and screaming, it was just so incredible to be surrounded by all these people who wanted Obama to be president so badly. I have to say it was probably the first time I have ever been so proud to be an American. Being with a crowd who was willing to look past the fact of how horrible our economy and everything is and to put all of this good energy towards this one person.
And the crowd just in itself was amazing! I mean there was no pushing, shoving, anger or anything. Everywhere you looked there were these huge beaming smiles. And even when McCain spoke, the crowd got quiet and respectful and listened to what he had to say. The only harsh remarks I heard were when he thanked Palin, haha but that is to be expected. I truly hope that this rally is a sign of how people will act for the next four years, with compassion and respect.
His speech was very eloquent and calm, kept the entire crowd fired up, but not to a ridiculous point. He is an amazing speaker. It was so nice to see him with his family and Biden’s family. And the comment about the puppy made him feel so real! There was laughter and then a collective sigh from the whole crowd when he said that. I feel like that was the point where everyone just felt 100% confirmed that they had made the right choice.
So you say 125,000 ppl were there? I have no idea how many actually were but it was just people everywhere you looked. And walking out they had shut down Michigan Ave for awhile so most people walked up that and the side streets going off of it were packed and people were still yelling and making noise. People had lined the streets and were taking pictures. It was amazing. We prob left at like 11:45 or so and I didn’t get home till 1. We ended up walking most of the way!
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