Sunday, January 6, 2008

What shall we talk about?

It's Sunday evening and I have spent the entire day either standing on the side of a ski slope watching racers whiz by or in a lodge sitting on my butt.

I am exhausted.

I have pored through the news in the hopes of something that will tweak my creative juices a bit but I have come up somewhat dry.  But ... I said I would do this daily, so darn it, I am not going to fail on day six!

Today was Charlie's first race of the season and Maddie's first time ever watching a race instead of being a racer.  She didn't like it.  No, it's not much fun taking huge blocks of HOURS and whiling them away in order to see your child go by in hopefully as few seconds as possible. 

 The best time today was 40 seconds.  Charlie had a 46 and a 47 -- he didn't do very well -- but I tried to explain to him that he doesn't practice much and wants it to just come easily to him.  The best part about having a middle of the pack racer is that you don't have to stay around for awards.  That is just an additional two hours or so.  There are pros and cons to everything!

I know, not very exciting, but seriously, my day just wasn't.  We were going to take the tree down tonight, but we're all too tired!  Why doing nothing saps you of the will to live, I'll never understand.  But it does.  We did have to hike up to the bottom of the race course, but it wasn't really major.

I am laughing, thinking how boring this must be.  Okay, okay.  I don't want to watch TV tonight because it will just be political ads.  They are STORMING the airwaves, one right after another, and even in their ads the candidates look exhausted.  I just can't imagine how horrific it must be to spend month after month combing the country in a big old bus or airplane going from one small town to big city to convention center to someone's home saying the same old thing over and over and smiling and shaking hands and all the while thinking THIS SUCKS.

I mean, how could it not?  Small talk, being upbeat, pretending you like everyone you see, having babies shoved into your arms, and you know, you just KNOW these poor candidates get stuck with that one person in town you spend your life avoiding:  the person who never shuts up, who just rambles on and on ad nauseum while you scan for an escape route.

Nope, you couldn't pay me to run for office -- any office.  I think we all know I couldn't ever run for anything because I don't have the temperament -- but still.  It's hard for me to imagine the type of person that has it in them to run.  For the power?  The glory?  To live in the White House?  Those are about the only perks for the rest of it is having the weight of the free world on your shoulders and your enemies digging up dirt and your friends looking for favors and the late night pundits attacking your every move.

Nope.  Not for me.  (But you'd all vote for me, right?  I'd owe you ...)

Following is a photo I took this evening for my other project -- the 366 daily photos.  
I had to run inside, rip off all my clothes and jump into the hot tub before the sun 
was completely gone.  Maddie made the little snowman for me.   I just thought I would share.  Now I'm going to bed!!!


Cheryl said...

Love the feet photo - you know I am a fan of taking photo's of feet! Ok, so your topic might not be overly exciting, yet, as a fellow race parent, I can totally relate! AND...I was quite happy NOT to be wasting my day on the side of the hill yesterday. Although, that is where Connor would have loved to have been. Funny, the irony.
On the political note: I can't begin to imagine what sort of person has it in them to run for president. I will be quite pleased when tomorrow is over and we can get back to some normal TV ads. I hope you didn't miss DH last night - they found out who survied the tornado...

Lisa said...

On GMA this morning, Diane was interviewing Oback and he was saying that in order to run for president you have to be somewhat of a megalomaniac -- basically holding delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.

And I loved that! He is more or less saying that you can have a balance -- you can be a real person, a moral person, and yet, you can want for things that don't fall into any of those categories.

The more I see of him, the more I like him. And Hilary says that she has been instituting change for 35 years. What is it? Has she actually MADE any changes? I think she should be listing those.

Cheryl said...

You know...I have wondered what changes every time I hear the 35 year comment. I know she takes credit for our kids having schools to go to...but, I think that has been happening for a bit more than 35 years. LOL.