Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Well, I tried

I tried not to talk about politics again -- but what the heck!

First off, on Good Morning America this morning they were talking about how the candidates have to eat corn dogs in New Hampshire.  Honestly, there is so much going on in this world, why can't they come up with something better than that?  CORN DOGS?  I've maybe had one bite of those nasty things in my life.  They are not all-about-New Hampshire -- and where ever some poor candidate had to choke one down, I am thinking they didn't like him/her!  (Of course, they are excellent tools to shut a person up.  Take a bite of one of those babies and until it meanders its way down your throat, you are mute!)

Well, look.  How many words does it take to say how pathetic it is that the media is discussing corn dogs?  A PARAGRAPH?  ::::::::Heavy sigh::::::::

I am one of them, that's what you're thinking, isn't it?  I talk about stupid things and don't have the good sense to shut up!

It's their fault.  It's like a bee in my bonnet!  (You'd think I could come up with something better than that old saw.)   I couldn't watch any more -- especially when they brought up the silliness of Hillary crying "on the trail."  Tears on the trail or whatever alliteration they could dream up.  I didn't vote for Hillary, but it wasn't because her hoarse voice broke a little and she kind of deflated for a moment.  In fact, if I had been as tired as she is when I went to vote this morning, I might have voted for her because she took a deep breath when she was asked about crying and basically said that when she takes a deep breath it makes the news.

She's right about that, and for a moment I wished that she was more than who she is.  That being a politician through and through.  I don't think that politicians have souls because they've had to sell them.  Sad.

Speaking of souls though, Obama was talking about energy and stating that everyone would have to make certain changes (like changing lightbulbs, nothing life altering) and that flamed the spark of hope within.  We DO need to make changes.  I've begun, though I am not sure any of them mean anything everytime I climb into my SUV -- but I hope they do.  But wouldn't that be something, if instead of bombing the hell out of the middle east to solve our energy problems we actually instituted changes within our own country that would be meaningful?

When I was in Europe and became aware of all the energy-saving practices they adhere to, I wished fervently that we did that here.  Do you realize that FORTY percent of the energy (electricity) that it takes to say run a coffee pot is still used up even when that appliance is off?  That includes all appliances, TV's, computers, etc.  They call it vampire energy -- it is being sucked out without you knowing it!   You can get these things called Smart Strips that will stop this from happening, or just unplug things.  That is my next purchase.  

Well, I gotta go eat a corn dog now.



Cheryl said...

Funny you bring up the electricity thing. I was just looking at my PSNH bill and noticed that we used 6 kwh MORE this month than last year at this time. I have been trying to figure out why...what is different. I finally decided that it must be the vampire thing. Then...to read your blog and see it in black and white. Hmmm... I think I need to look into these smart strips! Thank you.

Lisa said...

Peter said our electric bill went up too -- said it was the most expensive we've ever had. When I said we could reduce 40 percent per item, he gave me one of those "oh it's a Lisa thing again" looks. Geesh.

You know though, I was wondering. If you completely shut off the DVR, will it record? (You can see my priorities here. I am pathetic.)

Tomasen said...

WOW!! Go to Casper, Wyoming for a couple of days and look at all that I have missed! So many topics, so many thoughts...how do I even respond.
I don't. I won't. I will only tell you that I arrived back in Boston with a heavy heart as the ditsy flight attendant announced that Hillary had been declared the winner in NH. This blonde numbskull ended her announcement with "Go Hil!!". I then overheard her later as we were getting of the plane talking to another woman about how she had met both Hil and Bill and how "nice" they both were. She could not see why everyone portrayed her as a nasty bitch when she was soooo nice to her. "She even signed a napkin for my little niece." And that is why she will get "Hil's" vote.
You have to wonder what people make their decisions on and to tap into another of your commentaries about the media...I think it may have been the media that kept some of those Obama fans from getting out and voting because the polls showed him having a double digit lead over Hil.
Well, she is over the Hill if you ask me and I want our man Obama to stand up and talk about how his lack of "experience" as they put it is exactly what we want. He will NOT do things the way they have been done before and we need that desperately!
I too have found hope in this candidate...so much so that I HAVE put the sign on my front lawn. I will admit there is a sense of standing naked on the side of the road...saying who you support, but for this guy it was worth it, goosebumps and all. I mean, I have to admit I was a bit relieved for a time that the sign was completely buried in snow, but also as pleasantly thrilled when a voluteer came by to replace it. It is time for me to stand up and say who I believe in and I care way too much about who wins this whole thing...but I guess that is a good thing? Right?
As for running for office, well it has to take some kind of wacky person, no doubt, but Obama does not seem wacky to me. He seems normal and that is what I like about him the most.
Allright, allright...I will get off my Obama soapbox.
I was so sad not to be here on election day though. I love the hustle and bustle of downtown Exeter will all of the people at the polls holding their perspective signs. I missed walking in avoiding eye contact with those you know as republicans and smiling at the ones holding the "right" signs. I did vote absentee and it was a breeze to be sure.
All of the people in Wyoming I was working with were wondering if I had left the state on primary day on purpose. They then talked about the apathy in terms of voting in the state of Wyoming.
Wyoming...what a kewl state. If you ever feel there are no wide open spaces left in our world, got o friggin Wyoming. I took this prop plane ride over the mountains and it was SPECTACULAR!!! I took pictures of the miles and miles and miles of empty countryside. It was amazing. I love to travel...even if it is to places like Casper, where you get a true feeling for what life is like for other people. They LOVE their town and living there. They all talked about it. I could go on, but I am sure you have read enough and are thinking...enough already Tomasen.
Maybe I will have to start writing in my own blog so that I don't continue to clog your blog with all of my thoughts...just an idea! I can't wait to show you the pictures I took from the plane. If I get them posted I will let you know.

Lisa said...

Clog my blog! LOL That's a good one.

Well, read my latest entry to discover that Obama NOT winning in NH is the best thing that could have happened. Ole Hill will relax a little and maybe miss a few napkin signings!

I received SEVEN phone calls from her yesterday. We can always hope she runs out of money! Hahaha, that's a good one.

Anyway, like I said, Obama can pull a hat trick and be the third person to NOT win the NH primary and become president. I am looking forward to it!!!

Cheryl said...

Casper...Huh. I've heard that Wyoming is very cool. I think I'd like to ski there some day.

I like the "hat trick" analogy. I think he can do it. It's not like Hillary won by a ton. There is still so much time left before this is decided.

Thanks for the research Lisa. How fun to see it all broken down. Maybe you should offer it up to the AP, seems like good info to me!

Lisa said...

I don't think the traditional news media is interesting in anything that is rooted in fact!!! I was reading about how they are very upset that the polls didn't work out right -- their projections that Obama would win a landslide in NH were slightly off. And they want it fixed!

I think Obama will nail some states. Think about N.H. What do we have, three african americans? If women were voting for Hillary because she's a chick, then he's gotta get votes for race.

Cheryl said...

Good point on the race thing. I'm sure he'll carry many states. Plus, I don't know if Hillary will hold it together. She was pretty angry after loosing in Iowa and that showed in the debates. When she looses other states, it may come out that she's not pretty when she's angry about loosing!