Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gushing over Gabaldon

No, I won't gush -- but I did find that she has a blog -- that she just started, so until it gets super swamped you might even get an answer (if you care!)

For those of you who don't know, Diana Gabaldon is the author of the Outlander series -- a most wonderful compilation of books detailing the adventures (and misadventures!) of Claire and Jamie Frasier.  Set in the 1800's in Scotland and Europe, then eventually the southern U.S., it is a wonderful odyssey of love that spans not only time, but time travel!  Claire is from the 1940's and by accident falls through the rocks into the 1800's.  And falls in love with Jamie -- who is of course THE MAN!

Gabaldon is not only working on the next book in this series (YAHOO!) but is also putting together what she refers to as a graphic novel -- with pictures!  A picture of Claire is posted on the blog and she is asking for comments on it.  I of course offered my opinion!

I have read the entire series (which includes SIX books all over 800 pages) twice and am now listening to the first one, Outlander, as an audiobook.  Why?  Because she has the magic -- she draws you in, and you not only fall madly in love with Jamie -- but Claire as well.  I began reading them again before I went to Scotland because I wanted to read about the places I was going to.  And I wanted to listen to Outlander again because I wanted to hear about the places I'd been.

I love blogs.  Love, Love, Love them! 

Check hers out --  Voyages of the Artemis


Tomasen said...

As a Gabaldon drop out I can only wonder why I never continued with the series and I think the large and the small of it is the LARGE size of the books themselves. I am, however, deeply moved to consider listening to them! I could not take the time to get through yet another one of those massive books. So what does that say about me? Short attention span? Weak arms? Little tolerance to hang in there? I am not sure it says anything more than I was just not in the right place at the time. This does not mean I will not try it again...as I did love Jamie so much and well...the historical piece was most enticing...never mind the lurid sex in the woods. Yes, perhaps that is just what I need to do...give it another go!
Also, loved your comment on my blog! I did respond back you and your girl scout cookie shield!!

Lisa said...

I can't believe that you haven't read the entire Gabaldon series! I had no idea. Clearly you have been a closet non-reader! I just assumed!

Listening is wonderful because the reader has a scottish accent. Sassenach! Oh, love it.

They are certainly commitments -- those books. You don't sit down and expect to read it in a few days. Though I have actually become so sucked in that I've read a good portion at one sitting. (Even if it was a 12-hour sit!)