Thursday, January 24, 2008

I am not a rule follower

And due to this, just because I said my goal was to blog on a daily basis, it doesn't mean that I HAVE to.  And more importantly, I can even break my own "rules."  I can!  If I feel like it.

I think it also has to do with balance -- yesterday's entry was quite time consuming -- not only in the time it took to research, but also the time I spent percolating all the various aspects in my mind.

First off, I had to cool off!  After Peter and I watched that movie, there was such a feeling of OH MY GOD, that we couldn't even discuss it.  Not because we didn't have a clue, but because it was so much worse than we had ever imagined.

I think that everyone's comments expressed that feeling as well -- Tomasen said she was leaving the computer "perplexed, flummoxed and saddened."

Cheryl, who has even heard me talking about the movie before this blog,  said "I truly don't understand how all of this can sneak by SO MANY PEOPLE."

Amen to that sister.

And I was especially taken by LizBetty's comment, "It would be nice to have faith in and respect for our senior administrators to make logically and educated decisions on our behalf.  It makes me tired to think about having to question everything an "expert" has to say."

And I'll tell you why I was taken.  First off, it never occurred to me that people actually had faith and respect for people in power -- I swear to God!  And reading that, at the age of whatever I am (40 something-ish) I thought to myself "Wow!  How amazing that would be to believe that someone actually had the integrity, the knowledge and the strength and courage to do what was right and remove us from the responsibility of having to wonder."

I do not have this.  Not for anyone.  I never have, and I don't know if it is a defect in my personality, but I have questioned every expert, parent, adult, teacher ... anyone! ... that has ever crossed my path.  I really don't know why, but it's second nature to me.  If a doctor tells me one thing, I automatically assume there is a better answer.

I by no means feel that I am an expert on much of anything -- but maybe it's instinctual, maybe it's downright stupidity, but I remember "consultants" coming into the paper and I'd know within second they didn't know shit! 

And I can go back in time and see where medical professionals have led me astray (when Hallie was an infant, born at 9-plus pounds, a visit to the pediatrician resulted in them freaking me out that she wasn't gaining at the proper rate.  It was suggested (no I was told!) to supplement my breastmilk with formula.  Very expensive, pricey soy formula no less.  I remember thinking, really?  She never cries, is happy as a clam, breastfeeds like a champ.  But I believed.  She wouldn't take it.  Downright refused, and I am thankful that she knew better than her mom, but seriously.  Who can you trust?)

Anyway, I just automatically assume that all persons in power in this country are corrupt.  Why?  Because it's so damn easy!  No one watches that closely and I believe that when you put in any time at whatever you are doing, you actually come to believe that you DESERVE certain things for your contributions.  Compensation is a perk, is it not?  It's a perk for not spending time with your family and staying up late into the night and damnit, if you can double dip and be the CEO for United Oil and also be instrumental as a government employee in setting up a nice fat contract with United Oil and the country you are selling arms to, then come ON, is that not your right?

But back to LizBetty and her very astute observations.  She is right.  We should be able to make informed decisions when we vote for these people and place them in these positions of power and know, trust and believe that they will do what's best for all of us.

Sorry, I was laughing so hard I couldn't type.  The tears in my eyes are making the type all blurry?  What were we talking about?

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