Wednesday, January 2, 2008

When it snows it blizzards

For a number of years we've had next to no snow.  Last Christmas we had green grass.  But now we're breaking records.  We have snow.  In fact, we have so much snow that it can rain and be warm and it doesn't matter, because more snow will come.

It is beautiful outside, no doubt about that, and it's fun to have towering snowbanks.  But what does it mean?  Global warming means unstable weather patterns.  Well, this sure seems unstable to me.  For years we have had dribs and drabs of snowstorms, yet this December alone Charlie has hardly gone to school due to snow days.  Or delays.  And it actually feels like winter.  I can't remember the last winter where it felt like winter.



Tomasen said...

The last time I remember it feeling like winter was when we lived in Weare and there was Sooooo much snow. One night there was this eerie electical storm and everyone's power was out. I remember standing in the window and looking out at a magical light show as everything was orange and green flashes of light. Dad was amazed and my 10 year old eyes were open in awe. The only thing I remember we figured it was, was the lightning flashing and reflecting off the snow...kind of like a northern lights kind of show or something.
I also remember skating for hours on end in the beaver dams. That seemed like major winter to me, but in reality it was probably just cold and not a lot of snow because otherwise it would have been tough to skate.
Before that was in Bedford when the snowbanks appeared to be ginormous!! We would build tunnels in the snow while Mom and Dad shovelled.
This, although it may be global warming is awesome and what winter should be. Don't you agree? As politically INcorrect as it may be, I am a fan of global warming with the new and improved weather patterns we have had here. A FABulously, freakishily warm fall and then this. I know...I know....I should not even put it in writing!!
Oh well...

Lisa said...

I do remember that freakish green electrical storm. I thought the world was coming to an end. Fortunately I've lapsed into optimism since then.

Ahhh, yes, skating at the beaver dams! That was so cool. Sucky skating, hop over a log, watch out for that big crack, do a turn on that small patch of clear ice, ooops, hit some crusty snow, boom, smack. Forgot that stick sticking out of the ice.

As for saying you love global warming, well ... it's a tad irresponsible. But I drive an SUV, so who am I to judge?!!! :P