UPDATE: The little cakes are DELICIOUS! Above is a picture of them, along with the delicious chocolates.
I made these raw chocolates yesterday and because I had already had the remains of the chocolate in the blender with my smoothie, and because the raw cacoa used in these recipes is very powerful (and will keep me up for days if I am not careful) I didn't actually taste one until this morning.
Oh my.
Maddie came out to get into the car to go to school and her mouth was full of chocolate and she was mumbling something about how delicious it was. This was before I had tried it, and the way she was going on -- well, you can only imagine how anxious I was to get that little morsel into my mouth.
Oh my.
The recipe didn't make that many, so I had put the majority into the freezer and kept three in the fridge. Maddie ate one and I quickly scarfed down the remaining two. There are a few in the freezer, I may have to get a guard dog to keep them there. I need to make more, but here's the thing, it's a bit time consuming. They don't have a lot of ingredients, but I don't like super sweet, so instead of using the measurements in the recipe, I keep tasting and tasting and tasting until it is just right. I have to figure out a way to measure that so that subsequent times will be easier.
I just made chocolate mousse cakes. They are too sweet, I can tell already, and the entire time I was making them I was adjusting things in my head. I always make the recipe as close as I can, but omit things that I know will make things sweeter than they need to be. I learned today that coconut oil, agave and dates together are way over the top. I've scribbled down a few adjustments, but right now I have 12 cupcake sized cakes and 8 mini-cupcake cakes in the freezer. See, you end up with tons of those and very little of the chocolates! Figures.
How do I know I won't love them as much? Yesterday while making the chocolates, everytime I had to clean something, I used my tongue. Because I couldn't get enough of it! I was scraping the sides of the blender trying to get the last morsels out. It was delicious.
Today, I tried the different components, and my initial thought was okay, but a little too sweet. That is three sweet things combined, it's going to be too sweet. But the good thing about the freezer is that it dulls the taste a bit, so it might be fine.

Above is the Chocolate Orange Cake that I want to make next. Doesn't that look to die for? I've studied the recipe and already made the adjustments that I think are necessary for it not to be too over the top sweet.
I have been very frustrated with the whole raw food concept because of the lack of fresh ingredients, so this is renewing my interest in it because I happen to have the ingredients on hand, and you can freeze things, so it's not a lot of work for a one-time meal. Now obviously you can't eat this stuff all day long, but it's nice to have a little something on hand to stave off the sweet cravings, and the little cakes are made with avocado, so they will be very filling.
Maddie called and said she read my Facebook entry about making the little cakes and said she is dreaming about them!
I am telling you, those chocolates are THAT good.
Aren't you dying for one?
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