This is me as a sketch? What do you think ... ? I have been playing with Photoshop Express -- an online version that you can use by simply signing up. It doesn't offer a whole lot of things I don't have in other photo programs (with the exception of this sketch like thing that really makes me look as though I am melting!) but you can also use it to crop photos, etc. and embed them directly to Facebook -- which might come in handy for all you Facebookers.
Check out the link: Adobe Photoshop Express
OMG. I didn't realize how much you and Maddie look alike. Very cool.
Really? You think that I look like Maddie? It is actually one of my sp's entitled "what the heck is wrong with my hair?"
Yes. It actually freaks me out how much of Maddie I see. I'm not even sure that it looks like you! I'd love to see the real photo sometime.
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