Thursday, March 13, 2008

Frustration and refocusalization (my word!)

Oh!  I am so frustrated.  There are so many things that I want to do and I can't seem to concentrate on any one thing and just DO it.  

I am taking my self-portrait everyday, and the people in there spend a lot of time coming up with new ways to use various scripts and photo techniques and I am getting jealous!  So this morning I spent some time trying to work out what they were doing ... and discovered that I need to use the Firefox browser as opposed to my Safari browser in order to use certain scripts that people have come up with so that you can do certain things easily.  (Like when you respond to someone's comment, via use of this script a small picture of their icon will appear so that they know you are responding to them.)  It's very cool, seems easy, and I can't figure it out!  But that is mostly because I have never used Firefox so I have to get accustomed to that, and this being a Mac and all, I don't know how to apply extensions to applications!  AAAAAAAAAAAARGH.

So that is frustration number one.  Then my book ... it is not at a standstill, it is going all over the map!  I just re-wrote a pivotal scene and this morning I woke up thinking, no, that isn't going to work.  So do I return to the original scene?  I DON'T KNOW.

That is frustration number two.  Then today it is sunny and nice out.  My plan is to hike, but then again, should I be skiing?  But if I skied, then I wouldn't be able to tackle all these things that I want to do.  But ski season is on its way out (though it might last a few more months since we have all this snow!) and that makes me think, oh no!  I should ski.

And then there are piles of things I need to read everywhere.   
P I L E S!  Not to mention get back to work on my enlightenment.

Which by the way has all but ruined my life.  I know I said it before, but all this living in the moment is slowing me down!  I have way too much to do everyday to just stop and smell the damn flowers.  See, it's so much fun to be bitchy and pick on things, but nooooooooooooooooo, somehow I am supposed to be calm and all-knowing.  I find it irritating.  So, in retaliation I have been hpyer-critical and wallowing in the fact that I haven't felt all that good (a touch of the flu, perhaps?) and instead of smelling anything I have been curling up in the living room come 3:00 every afternoon and watching the tube. 

Has anyone seen Clockwork Orange before?  It's an old, old movie, 1971 vintage, and I had read (heaven only knows when I read it!) that it was a must-see film, and is still pertinent today.  I didn't hate it, I found it extremely disturbing and the thing that made me laugh was their interpretation of the future.  It was just sex and wild colors.  A high tech holder of music was a mini-cassette tape!  HAHAHA.  Not much imagination in the 70's if you ask me! 


So I went on that hike with friends and it was lovely, and when we were walking by the river, I noticed this fabulous ice sculpture that I hadn't noticed yesterday.  And I had forgotten my camera!  On the drive home I couldn't get the picture of the ice formation out of my mind, so I ran home, grabbed my camera and drove back to the trail.  The dogs were beside themselves, so much so they kept coming up to me and gazing at me with their loving eyes!  (I'm not kidding!)

It was beautiful, but by the time I reached the ice, the sun had moved and it was no longer as spectacular.  Which is a huge lesson:  Enjoy the things in front of you, because you might not be able to capture them later.   I actually pondered this (and gave myself a little atta girl for taking pictures on the walk in where the sun had actually created more magic instead of being in a hurry to take this particular picture) and started to look around and enjoy my surroundings instead of being focused on one thing.  The dogs didn't know what to make of the whole deal -- they kept running ahead, but nope, I wouldn't follow.  They'd return, stare at me, I'd re-position myself for another picture, and they'd think, oh good!  She's coming.  But nope.   

Here are some of the pictures -- and when we first saw it, we identified the ice as looking as one thing, but now that I look at it more closely, I've decided it looks like teeth -- X-rays of teeth that is.

It is a little dull without the sun shining but you can see it's pretty awesome


The ice was actually fanned across a log across the river -- almost like a curtain.  It was sooooo coool.  


Anyway, while in the woods I tried the excercise where you are supposed to experience nature without any labels.  So you're supposed to be among the trees, but not think of them as trees.  Well .... my little thought machine kept saying, "well, if it's not a tree, then what is it?  Is the snow on the path, well, there is no snow or path therefore what is it?"  I could NOT abandon the thought process -- despite really trying.  I stared up at the sky and thought SKY!  I said to myself, NO, that is not a sky!  Then what is it?  It is nothing?  Well how can it be nothing?  GRRRRRRR.

  The only time I felt even a hint of a moment of grace was when I looked around to see what the woods held with no expectations.  So, you can't really consciously become unconscious of your surroundings -- it just has to happen.

So you can see how all these things are a little frustrating to an ultimate control freak!  But the walk itself chilled me out and I no longer feel as though I am a top spinning about unable to focus on any one thing.

Got this blog done, didn't I?  Whose counting that it's taken days since the last one and all day to do this one!

Ahhh, chill out.


Anonymous said...

OOHH La La. I like the ice. I'm relieved that you returned to capture it. The suspense was killing me. "A walk in the woods" is worth painting....

Tomasen said...

La la...anonymous?? Well, I can relate but I am working amidst all of my attempts at creativity and personal really...not so much sympathy coming from this end!! So sorry that you are frustrated with trying to do oh so much in each and every day. I have decided that there are very few things that I do EVERY day of my life...aside from brushing my teeth...there aren't really any others. Sure, I SHOULD exercise, meditate, create, write, read and well I could go on and on...never mind the great need to do some massive amounts of crunches. But part of my being is just to be and realize a day is not really all that long to have a long list of things that I HAVE to do every day! let's face it, when it becomes a frustration then something is just not quite right!
I think you are just bargaining for a new camera or something!! Also, remember that those others on Flickr are probably not regular bloggers, writers, hikers and takers of ice teeth! Too bad you couldn't take that picture and somehow superimpose it to look like those ice teeth are yours?? ha ha. That would be one to get those overachieving photo takers!! la la.

Lisa said...

That's so MEAN! Of course now I am going to have to figure out how to superimpose those ice teeth onto my person!!!!!

MEAN I tell ya!

As for the camera -- hmmmmmm. You might be right. I have started to envision exactly what I want and need (this is wrong! I need nothing! Or do I? Have you figured out how we can want and need without breaking universal laws yet?). I loved my little point and shoot until now. But let's be honest, I've been into photography for a long time and am not really sure why I don't have the best of the best!

Tomasen said...

My intention is not to be meeean! My intention is to help you out on your path of frustration!
Have I figured it out? No, I have not, but I have noticed that my "need" to shop has been curtailed to the point where I just haven't even gone, save the grocery store and then ONLY when I have to!
Are you looking for me to justify your next purchase? I am willing to lend you one of my many cameras. I really do have a beautiful digital Olympus that does more than I can ever figure one with many cameras...I have worked my way down to the point and shoot! You see, I do not like carrying around the larger one. It has a kick ass zoom and well, so many settings...never you mind. If you want to start with that you are more than welcome!! That way I will be giving you something and that will feed my ego and you will be receiving and feeding yours. Sounds like a win win situation for our egos...but what about our essence?
I would have to say the one thing I AM better at is just being. For now I am going to celebrate even that shift in consciousness. Sometimes the rest almost seems...well...unattainable...oh yes shut up you ego! I swear it is like having multiple personalities!! ha ha