Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rush to the rescue

Apparently to the rescue of Hillary Clinton?  I was querying various people I know who reside in the states who were voting yesterday as to whom they were voting for, and stumbled across a new phrase "party raiding."

Apparently in Texas, Republicans were taking the advice of that lovely fellow Rush Limbaugh to not worry about their in the bag candidate John McCain, but to instead mess up the results of the Democratic race by voting for Hilary (who was not the front-runner and probably on her way out for good).

When I first heard the term I was a little taken aback.  And I asked myself, would I do the same thing?  No, I would not.  And it only goes to show the integrity of the people who did do it -- that their reasons for voting were not to get this country on the right track, but to watch "the soap opera continue."

This is an excerpt of an interview Rush had with Laura Ingraham on The O'Reilly Factor:

“… INGRAHAM: Rush, I understand that the Rush Limbaugh audience is mobilizing in Texas for Hillary. Am I hearing that right?

RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: I don’t know if the audience is mobilizing or not. I am urging people — I am using a phrase — the Republicans — our nominee is chosen. It’s John McCain.

Texas is open. And I want Hillary to stay in this, Laura. This is too good a soap opera. We need Barack Obama bloodied up politically, and it’s obvious that the Republicans are not going to do it and don’t have the stomach for it.

As you probably know, we’re getting all kinds of memos from the RNC saying not to be critical there. Mark MacKinnon of McCain’s campaign says he’ll quit if they get critical over Obama.

This is the presidency of the United States you’re talking about. I want our party to win. I want the Democrats to lose. They’re in the midst of tearing themselves apart right now. It is fascinating to watch, and it’s all going to stop if Hillary loses.

rush-limbaugh-5307.jpgThis is such a sucky time to have to relinquish (alas remove) the hatred from my own being, because I could have some fun picking on this ... (blankety blank) but no, it's not that I won't go there, it's that I have to recognize that this man is full of himself (ego) and the sad (ooops, a label) people who follow him are lost beings

How exactly are the Democrats tearing themselves apart, I ask?  And if that is what politics are, then it surely explains why George W. Bush is in office, does it not?  Just so that we Americans can experience the demise of our country in soap opera style!  Hail to Rush!  What a guy.  We have Oprah on one end of the spectrum gathering hundreds of thousands of people together in order to make a better world, and then we have Rush -- thinking how funny it would be to mess up the election.

“We need Hillary,” Limbaugh declared on his show on February 26. “We need the soap opera. Hillary Clinton is J. R. Ewing, and her husband, Bill, is Sue Ellen. We need to keep this soap opera going, but we also need the chaos,” Limbaugh added.

In a segment entitled, “We Started Mrs. Clinton’s Slide, But Now We Need Her to Stay Alive,” Limbaugh argued that Hillary was now the Republicans’ best hope for victory in November.

“We need somebody roughing up Obama before it’s our turn to get there, because, as it’s been demonstrated, the Republicans have a reticence in doing so,” he told his huge listening audience, apparently referring to John McCain and the Republican National Committee. “They are sending out memos, we can’t attack Obama, we’ll be accused of racism,” Limbaugh continued, referring to a recent memo from the RNC warning Republicans not to use language that could be interpreted as racist or sexist.

“Somebody’s gotta criticize him; somebody’s gotta bloody the guy up,” enjoined the self-crowned king of right-wing talk radio. “He’s shown he’s sensitive to it here, and the Clintons are the one to do this,” Limbaugh added, speaking of Obama. “If they can pull out one of these two states, Texas or Ohio, then she will go on. We need chaos in this party.”

Well, it worked. But will it ultimately succeed?  Rusho doesn't want Hillary to win, he just wants to watch her dig up dirt on Obama (one must assume that if she hasn't done so by now, it just might not exist!  Not everyone has led a life like the Clinton's, with their hands in everyone else's cookie jars and their cigars gawd knows where.)

John McCain, who is meeting with George Bush in the Rose Garden today (isn't that nice!) commented that Americans no longer have patience for an "uncivil brawl over the spoils of power."

Apparently he hasn't met the pals of Rush -- who not only have patience for it, but encourage it.  There is no such thing as a group "Americans," who think with one collective mind.  So to say Americans are anything is just plain ignorant.  Yes, it's ignorant!   And I'll tell you why.  He makes that comment in regards to the election -- but he doesn't take the time to think that it might just mean something else, to say an American, who has no patience for an "uncivil brawl over the spoils of power," otherwise known as the War in Iraq. 

Which John McCain supports.

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