Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh what a beautiful morning

This little lizard snuck into Hallie's room this morning when we were outside taking pictures of the most FABULOUS sunrise! I woke up to Hallie saying "Mom!" and I sat up and saw this orange ball of fire out the window, just above the water. Without thinking, I grabbed my camera and ran out onto the porch. Hard to get a picture through the screen, and Hallie had already figured this out and was halfway down the stairs, me in hot pursuit. You can see the sun hitting the left of the house -- that is my bedroom.

Hallie ran down on the beach while I stayed by the pool and she thought I was telling her to run on it? Not really sure why, but I was in my nightgown (at least she threw on some clothes!) and barefoot and suddenly it was dawning on me (at dawn!) that my feet were getting frostbitten!

But oh what a glorious morning. After taking all the pictures, we had to escort the lizard out of Hallie's room (well, I sat on the bed and watched her do it!) and then we tried to get back to sleep. Which we couldn't.
Following are pictures from our bike ride and hike yesterday.

This is called the Indian Shell Ring. What is that, you ask? Well, it is in the middle of the woods, and to get there we had to tramp around muddy paths in dense woods (alligators, lizards and snakes, oh my) until we reached this clearning. According to literature an Indian Shell Ring is what Native Americans used to hang out in. The ring itself was comprised of shells and other debris that they then made a circle around themselves of. I guess. Not much to see, quite a disappointment in fact. I thought it was great that the Native Americans had benches. Ha ha.

Along the trail within the Sea Pines Forest Preserve there are alligators. We didn't see them ON the trail, but you could see them lazing around on people's lawns. I am sorry, that would freak me out if there were alligators hanging out on my yard. I never felt compelled to feed them.

We rode our bikes on the beach before we hit the trails, and it was delightful as always. I took this picture as I was riding -- it's kind of like riding on the desert when it is low tide, because there is TONS of beach. Really, it's my most favorite thing to do!

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