Monday, June 29, 2009

Weather or not

So I spend a week in crazy hot sunny weather in Chicago and then I return to rain.  I left rain.  All it does is rain here.  I wonder why?

There is no point in complaining about it ... because it just is.  It just is POURING that is!  This is no gentle, balmy rain.  This is the real deal, and it has been going on for hours.  So I ask again, why?

Well, because of the Gulf Stream and cold air from Canada and this and that.  Those are the reasons, and there's not anything you can do about it.  Unless of course you move.  Which I would LOVE to do!  Oh yes!  Move!  Peter even made a comment about moving yesterday -- even he has an official rain limit -- and so perhaps this is all my fault.  Perhaps my strong need to move somewhere civil has created this!  Because seriously, if it rains all summer, I am OUTTA HERE!  It's not raining in Seattle.  If you want to see something crazy, pull up Seattle on a weather site and see that the next 7 days are sunny and in the 80's -- not a cloud in the sky.

So, it's raining, and it will continue to rain for the next full week.  The kids are home, complaining (loudly) that there is nothing to do.  I am lucky to have woken up with a frog in my throat -- I can't stand listening to myself talk.  Perhaps it is because I slept with windows open above my head and the cold, damp air that is New Hampshire enshrouded me with its bitterness and made me ill?  Who knows, but I don't want to chance a walk in the woods and getting soaked to the bone and then chilled, so :::::::::::::sigh::::::::::::::::::: what shall we all do?  What do people in Seattle do?  I think they just put on raincoats and go about their lives.  Which I am all for, except that it is COLD and POURING.  Not balmy and moist.

My plan for this week was to pick as many strawberries as possible to freeze for the next year.  But wouldn't you know, they are having a bad strawberry year and lost many plants to frost.  The berries also don't ripen in the rain, they need the sun.  My garden is not growing like gangbusters ... it too yearns for the sun ... so I expect that all gardens are in the same plight.  Which is the whole I only have a few months out of the year that I can garden, and well, that is being bitten into by weather.

Where will I move to?  Well, that is a good question.  What I would like is a continuous 70-78 degree temperature with full sun and no bugs and the ability to live outside for most of the year.  I want an outdoor living room, kitchen, bedroom, the works.  I love to be outside, and when I look through catalogs and see those outdoor spaces all set up with cool furniture (that would rot in New Hampshire if left outdoors) I just salivate.  So where?  California?  Some tropical island?  I don't know, but I do know that whatever Yankee mentality I had bred into me is diluted ... I don't just accept hardship, I scorn it!  I say, rain rain go away, and if you don't then I won't stay!

So there!

Now it's back to the regularly scheduled programming of bored kids looking to me to amuse them.


1 comment:

It Rhymes With Witch said...

North Carolina is lovely. Matt golfs all year. We rarely get snow and when we do, it's gone in a day or two. Three hours to the ocean, less than that to the mountains. Hot in the summer but nowhere near as humid as NH. Our outdoor furniture is used 9 months and stays out all year, just covered.

It's nice.