This is pollen spores. I have 10 million bazillion in my head
In other words, I am fairly miserable. Oh. And my eyes water and every once in awhile feel as though someone has stuck a pin in them.
Cool, huh?
Since I hate medications of all kind, I found this drink that actually does work. It is a concoction of coconut milk and meat, the juice of three lemons, the rind of one, a good shake of cayenne pepper, local honey and a teaspoon of grated ginger.
Oh. Yes. It is absolutely disgusting. And because of the coconut it is white and frothy. So it actually looks as though it's a tropical drink. Until you taste it. It's pretty much beyond nasty, but you are looking at a girl who drinks vinegar, so whatever. It's all relative. And it works. For three whole days I felt fine. Then it returned with a vengeance. And what's a person to do in pollen paradise shit out of coconuts?
Yup, suffer. I can't stand the over-the-counter meds -- they leave me light-headed and dry mouthed. I can drink heavily for that and enjoy it far more.
So, as I am ready to hit the sack feeling as though my head is 900 pounds, I casually looked up what to do on the Internet about pollen allergies. And it said that my area had severely high counts, which is like duh, but whatever, and that to avoid pollen I should stay inside, wash myself before going to bed to remove all traces of pollen and not open my windows.
I see. So my daily lifestyle of digging in the dirt, hiking, driving around in an open-top Jeep and NEVER being inside is probably the problem?
Tomorrow we look for coconuts.
Before I go ... coconuts.
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