Then on Sunday, it rained again. What? We get one nice day and must sacrifice another five in penance? Come on. Summer officially starts on Sunday and quite frankly, it is time to act like it. Winter has NO PROBLEM acting like itself; so I would appreciate summer taking itself a little more seriously. If I wanted to live in rain all the time, I would move to Seattle. Or London. Damn it!
On another note, I can't find my travel jewelry case (which contains jewelry I'm quite fond of) and my little itty booklight which I also miss and it's DRIVING ME INSANE. When I came home from Sedona I didn't do a very good job of unpacking. I wasn't too thrilled to be home for one thing, so I fought it. My jewelry case sat on my desk for weeks. Bags of items were left to lanquish for just as long. Then, I had to clean the house for a big party and I remember thinking to myself, as I put things where they normally don't belong, that I would pay for such lazy hiding.
Well, yeah, that would be now. I've wracked my brain trying to recall where I put them. All I get is a feeling that I put them somewhere I won't stumble upon any time soon. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. I'm running out of potential places. I've gone through my whole bedroom closet, my desk, the bureau's where I shove things ... now I am thinking someone stole it. This is way easier than believing that I am too stupid to find it!!! The only thing I know for sure is that these things have to be somewhere. AAAAAAAAAAAARGH. I just looked in another place. No go.
I decided to get a GPS thingy because we don't travel that often out of our stratosphere, but when we do it's pretty much a given that we will get lost. We've had them before in rental cars, and when we go to Minnesota this weekend, there was no way I wasn't going to get one for the rental. But they cost $15 a day, so if I am going to get one anyway, doesn't it make sense not to spend $45? Yeah, exactly, I am glad you see it my way. So I spent a few hours comparing them. I was pretty much always leaning toward Garmina (I added the 'A') and she came out with flying colors in the reviews. I found them cheap on Amazon. com -- discontinued models. So cool, that's on the way.
And .... TA DA ... I went to the farmstand this afternoon and there it was -- green beautiful green, fresh from the garden produce. Oh JOY-O-IRIFIC! I picked up some romaine lettuce, arugula and radishes and said we were having a detox dinner tonight! Unless it was green or red it wasn't going to be served! I also have some beets, cukes and green beans, fresh strawberries and bananas. You know when you are craving that stuff that you have been baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! And I have. Lobster is not clean eating. Just YUMMY!
It is pouring pouring pouring. And I first started this post this morning, and now it is almost 6:00. Constant rain. Driving rain. It is quite possible one could go insane.
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