
My daily diet ALWAYS consists of a few staples, no matter how good or bad I eat in totality for that day. For the past nine months I have had near-daily doses of maca powder and cacao powder, often mixed in coconut water or a smoothie with fruit. I can go a day or two without it and not notice anything, but this is the first time I've ever gone a full week, and let me tell you, I feel like a different person entirely.
The most revealing results is a TOTAL lack of energy. At first I blamed it on not enough exercise, just sitting around socializing and eating and drinking, and then later, in Chicago, the blistering heat. But I woke up this morning and felt the same kind of blah way. And I woke up CRAVING a smoothie, which I am drinking now. And I realized that this has been the longest period I have gone since October without my superfoods -- and they definitely make a difference.
I think you can go a day or two because it is still in your system, but by the time a week has gone by, it's outta there and you are just left with your own listless self!
Normally when I go away I either pack my blender and superfoods or figure out where I can access what I need. I just assumed that once in Chicago I'd find a health food store and be fine; but Hallie lives in a very quiet neighborhood area, and the only way to get anywhere is to walk ten minutes, and seriously, it was too hot to want to do that very often. We also fell into the pattern of waiting too long to get something to eat; so by the time we were on a search, we wanted to EAT whatever was in sight. Charlie was also with us, and so that affected eating choices as well.
It's no big deal, really, in the grand scheme of things, but I'm not going to do it again. It's just so much more enjoyable to feel full of life and ready to tackle whatever comes your way, versus feeling exhausted as soon as you wake up. That is ridiculous, and so easily overcome by the addition of just a few items in your diet.
So later, after my smoothie, I am going to make a green juice and put in algae powder, take a spoonful of my super-honey and flavor my water with milk thistle and then vinegar. I am going to flood my system with all of the ingredients I have deprived it from the past seven days and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that soon my will to live will grow exponentially and I will feel like singing and dancing and throwing my arms out and twirling around on the top of a mountain.
Food is a drug, and you can either choose the drug that makes you feel like crap, or the one that makes you feel greater than you could ever imagine.
I will never go seven days again. I choose not to.
We just got our brand new juicer today and immediately set to work making fun concoctions. Jake's fav is strawberry, kiwi and grape. I did a mish mash of red bell pepper, cucumber, peach, strawberry, grape, celery and apple. Both were yummy.
Tell me more about your superfoods. What would i need to put in? I see algae and vinegar (I'm already a big vinegar user) and I'm allergic to coconut so can't use that. What else should I start considering?
maca powder, goji berries and cacao powder -- I throw a tablespoon of each in all of my smoothies and green drinks.
My favorite green juice is a head of romaine lettuce, half a bunch of kale, a tsp of grated ginger, two apples and one lemon. It is called green lemonade and it tastes so refreshing and delicious. (The only thing I would NOT put in this juice is the cacoa powder, as that will make it taste chocolatey, and that is wrong!) I put that in a container and drink it all day long with ice. YUMMY.
Do you peel the lemon before using it in the juicer for your green lemonade? Are the goji berries dried? Where do you get this stuff?
Nope, just wash the lemon and juice it peel and all. And yes, the goji berries are dried. You can find them at health food stores or online. I believe that Amazon has them ... I will probably put those on auto-order along with the maca and cacao powder.
I am actually right now drinking my goji berry juice -- just throw a handful in water and let them steep overnight. Pleasant taste and the little plump berries are yummy!
Get out of my head, woman! I JUST put the goji berries, maca and cacao powder on auto order with Amazon! Too funny.
And that was my next question, do you rehydrate the goji berries.
I'm looking forward to this as is my husband. Thanks for you help. :)
Too funny! But you said you were an Amazon officianado like myself, so I figured you'd head there!
I do not rehydrate the goji berries -- if you get them fresh they are quite tasty and soft. The goji juice is the only exception -- and they taste different, almost like raisins when they are water logged.
Goji berries are good in smoothies and also in cereal, cookies and trail mixes. They are just full of good things, so a handful a day is really a benefit to your health. Wait until you mix all three -- the maca, cacao and goji -- you will be so HAPPPPPPPY!!!
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