This is, this is, this is ... YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.
This means that if the Republicans are elected, we will have TWO people in charge of the country who completely don't understand technology -- or the basics of email. Clearly she had a weenie password, not to mention a fricking YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO account in use for official state business (Government officials are required to use official accounts which are then retained as government records).
But, screams her "peeps," it is a violation, no, it's a CRIME to hack into someone else's email. Okay. Not going to argue there.
But what about the Freedom Of Information Act? This law that ensures public access to U.S. government records. FOIA carries a presumption of disclosure; the burden on the government -- not the public -- to substantiate why information may not be released. Upon written request, agencies of the U.S. government are required to disclose those records, unless they can be lawfully withheld from disclosure under one of nine specific exemptions in the FOIA. This right of access is ultimately enforceable in federal court.
Sarah Palin is the governor of Alaska, therefore she is a government official. The email account she was using was not an official account -- and was this on purpose? It seems so.
How many of us have screwed up in email? Forwarding something that also contains a long conversation attached to the bottom with information you don't want certain people to read? How many of us have easily "hacked" into other people's email accounts and read it? (I'm going to raise my hand here, it is incredibly easy and soooooooo fun to spy. Let me just say it this way, company email accounts are RARELY private and people are incredibly naive and trusting.)
So, here's another thought. If I was governor of anything, and then all of a sudden on the path to the White House, I would consider myself open game to the cazillion people out there who are equally as smart as me and SMARTER, and I wouldn't utter one word on email that I wouldn't want said cazillions of people to see. Which brings us back to maybe **I** should be vice president because I at least get that.
I'm tired of it all. I'm tired of this campaign, I am tired of the amount of money that is being sucked into this crazy game called politics, I am tired of having the airwaves be full of stupid commercials about the fact that Sarah Palin was against the bridge to nowhere, when in fact we all know she didn't jump on that bandwagon until it was the only wagon to be on.
I am tired that today the news is about stupid (and completely unexciting) emails that Sarah Palin wrote to people that should have been written via her government account, but then again, president's have been amending this law to keep their information "pertinent to national security," or otherwise known as lies they don't want to get out, declassified, so via the strong vehicle of lawyers this country loves to employ to keep justice from ever being meted, this entire stupid stupidity will all come to naught, because in the end, who really cares if Sarah Palin does anything right?
Besides me, I mean?
So those on Sarah's side will just talk about how the hacker's were wrong and completely dismiss the FACT that she doesn't do things by the book, the government official book that is, and those of us on the other side of THE BRIDGE to nowhere will continue to pack our bags so that we can move to another planet if the Republicans BY THE GRACE OF GOD because we know they are praying (or cheating, I get so confused) get into the White House for another four years, because this planet will be done in.
So Chicken Little and I are going to wrap this up and then go write a nice trojan horse program that will end this Internet nonsense once and for all.
Can I do that?
I don't know.
Can Sarah?
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