It is so much easier to just go through everyday and not worry about anything (like world peace and big black holes) and do your thing, eat three meals, go to bed and wake up and rinse and repeat.
But this constant need to grow, to expand one's mind, to figure out the reason you are on this planet to begin with. Well, it's just not a walk in the park, let me tell you.
Or a walk in the woods.
I am reading this book The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. It refers to "the manuscript" which holds the message of why we are here and what we are supposed to do with our lives while on this planet. Without putting those who aren't in the least bit interested to sleep, I will say briefly that it is another adaptation of many other books I've read -- using different language -- but ultimately saying the same thing.
And the part I can't seem to get through is seeing and feeling energy on an everyday basis. The only time I've had anything that came close to it was when I was at Stonehenge -- there I could feel it and see it. Seriously.
It was sooooo cool. At the time I didn't realize that was what I was witnessing, but now that I look back, that is exactly what it was. And I felt energized and recharged for several days after being there. I mean, I knew something was going on, but not exactly.
Today I decided to seek out energy in the woods. So off I went with the two dogs in search of joy, wonder and energy. Now here is the thing. When you are seeking energy, it seems a little backwards to be outputting so much while hiking. Here I was huffing and puffing and getting more tired by the second! My intent was to get deep into the woods where no human sounds would interfere with my little adventure, but unfortunately I neglected to consider that two dogs are not exactly quiet.
So I reached this wonderful water source, and it was coming down at a good pace from the mountain. I found a nice flat rock and attempted to meditate. One dog stood by my ear and whined while the other one kept splashing into the water and then coming over and shaking all over me.
Bliss was not to be had so I continued onward (much to the dogs' delight). I would stop and look around, attempting to remove all thoughts and just to be. It was so beautiful out, there was no excuse for not getting enlightened. I mean, how frustrating! The sunlight was filtering through the branches and creating beautiful patterns on the ground, leaves and rocks that surrounded me. There was the constant sound of the stream, birds were chattering in the sky, and I kept thinking YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO IDENTIFY THESE THINGS.
Geesh. I would go for total mind blankness then a sound would make me wonder ... is that something that could eat me stirring in the woods over yonder? Wouldn't the dogs bark if something was coming to attack me? Why are the dogs perking their ears like that, do they see something? I'd turn and look around, then remember ... oh yeah, you're NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THINKING.
When I am reading the book, it all seems so simple. Then when I attempt it, well, it seems ridiculous. Then I think, well for crying out loud, the people in the book reached this crazy level of energy in PERU. Apparently in PERU this can happen, and I am just here to tell you that in NEW HAMPSHIRE it does not. They say we are liberal here, but that's not helping.
The bestest kind of energy takes place in virgin forests. Hmmm, I thought, as I followed the well-worn path. No virgin anything around here. I wonder if virgins go to a virgin forest if they get the platinum version of energy. Yeah, exactly, my thoughts were not exactly taking me down a path of thought-free abandonment.
Then I thought, today is September 11th ... would our enemy terrorists do anything on Sept. 11th ever again? I noted that it was a beautiful sunny day as it had been six, seven years ago? And then wondered if it was always sunny on Sept. 11 since the attacks and thought that it just might have been, because the blue sky always makes me think of looking up at it and thinking ... out of beauty comes so much awfulness. (Bet you thought that was going to be a real nugget, sorry to disappoint!)
Oh anyway, it is plain to see that I did not evolve one iota today.
As Scarlett said ...

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