Alright, alright, alright ... I couldn't do it.
When I heard the announcement on TV this afternoon that the "stinking pile of cow patty with a marshmallow in it" bailout bill was rejected I thought, oh, hmmm. What does that mean?
Then later, the Dow hit the skids, and well, we all know what that means. That is Wall Street saying F-YOU mothersuckers, you want to play dirty? We'll show you dirty.
Big deal. Oh, I know, I mean, I know it's a big deal, but my point is, to hell with all of them, politicians and financial "experts" alike. Let's sink! Let the filthy rotten ship hit the real bottom, not the fake bottom. I haven't lost millions and millions in paper money and quite frankly, I also didn't over-extend myself and buy into a mortgage I couldn't afford nor do I have astonishing credit card debt. I didn't take a risk on buying something I couldn't afford in the hopes that I'd be able to sell it real fast and make a huge profit. I didn't lie, cheat or steal.
So when I have the President of the United States, the same lying, cheating, rotten son-of-a-bitch who has been lying and cheating the past 8 years say that something is a good idea, then my instincts say RUN FOR THE HILLS and pack your canned goods Marvin, because this man don't know squat, he's just one big weapon of mass reconstruction.
One financial expert was saying we are on the edge of the cliff, and he isn't too sure what that means. What, exactly, does it mean if we save all these financial institutions with money we don't have? I have tried to get a grasp on it, and tonight I was treated with a moronic explanation on WORLD NEWS TONIGHT (as opposed to Moron TV where I would have expected to find such a presentation) that was presented in cartoon form with noxious sound affects explaining to me how a dollar bounces here, and bounces there, and it creates all these good and wonderful things for the people, but when the banker man gets nervous, he won't send out that dollar to bounce around and make wonderful things happen for the people. The stupid cartoon did not mention the bank president was in Laguna Beach in his mansion staring at his 45 million dollar view waiting to hear that his sorry ass was being saved.
I have no patience for it. If we're going to sink, then let's sink big. Let the whole damn world fall apart so we can start that do over I've been talking about. Oh yes, it will hurt for a bit, maybe a long bit, maybe forever, I don't know. All I know is that President Bush has no clue and in the end does he really care because he has every set up for every type of potential disaster that could befall us waiting for him on his ranch in Texas. He's so over his head he is probably drinking 24/7 anyway. I know I would.
I say, as we peer over the edge of the cliff, that it might be a long fall, but when you look behind, there's not much there, just a barren wasteland. Maybe down there there is hope. Up here, not so much.
But in the end, the bailout will happen and that dollar will start bouncing at certain segments of our society -- and eventually people will once again be able to over-extend themselves with money they don't earn nor have the potential to earn and the "economy" will thrive once again and ...
What I find so ironic is that the politicians were afraid to vote against what the people (the people who voted for them to represent them in Washington) wanted because there is an election coming up. Doesn't it seem pathetic that the rest of the time they do whatever they damn well feel like?
Okay, okay, I'll stop. I promised not to do this, and now you know why!
Well, I can't stop. I can't pull my head out of the sand and not mention the Saturday Night Live spoof with Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin being interviewed by Katie Couric (Amy Poehler). At one part THEY DIDN'T EVEN CHANGE THE WORDS. They used the exact same comments that Palin said to Couric. Imagine that! They were so discombobulated the first time, they didn't need to be re-written as a joke.
I say what the hell -- let them take over the government, it's a laughingstock anyway, and all those crazy people who think that Obama should not be president because his middle name is Hussein will probably end up dying of stupidity anyway and ... I think NOW you are beginning to understand why certain blog subjects did not make the light of day.
I will, for real, stop now. I'm starting to scare myself.