Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The sun always shines ... on me!

Maddie and I went strawberry picking again today, and it was brutal hot in the sun.  We are at last experiencing some summer weather, and I was just drenched in sweat.

On the ride home I pointed out how beautiful the clouds were -- they were big and fluffy and full of depth, and as I stared up at them in the open Jeep, I said, hmmmm, that looks and SMELLS like a rain cloud.  And sure enough, we turn the corner and whammo, the world goes dark and the roads were sopping wet.  The cars passing us had their windshield wipers on and I just looked at Maddie and said "I think we're going to take a shower."

But not a drop fell on us.  It had passed, or it was moving ahead of us (the cars passing still had windshield wipers on) and the air was so heavenly and cool, the road was steaming, and I just started laughing.  I said to Maddie, It never rains on me in this thing!  I know it sounds crazy, but it can be raining and I will miss it.  And here's proof.

We drove into the driveway and Charlie came running out, and wanted to know why we weren't sopping wet.  I explained we'd missed it, and he said, It was just POURING out like a second ago,  and I said, Yes, I understand, but now I am here and the sun will return soon.

Now, truth be told, I was kind of looking forward to a deluge of rain on me.  I mean, it's an open-air vehicle, it must be able to take a little wet, and I was so hot it would have felt heavenly.

So how lucky were we?  We didn't get wet in the strawberry fields or on the ride home ... and now, with the sun tucked behind clouds for a bit, the house is cool enough for the next project at hand:  Dealing with 15 pounds of strawberries!  

And when I am ready to head to the lake, undoubtedly the sun will comply!

Wanna bet?

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