Now mine has decided that he wants to be a hiker too. We have done a few short hikes and then today we did a long one. Up hill. I was all off -- I had eaten bad food the night before, I'd had a couple of glasses of wine and I'd been hiking every day this week. I was tired. And you know, a girlfriend would make accommodations for this ... she would slow down, she would listen to the reasons I was lagging ... and in the end it would be fine.
But Peter? Well, according to him he was in far superior shape than I was and the ONLY way he can go up is to go fast and get it over with.
I see.
So today I basically hiked alone. Also ... he feeds the dogs bones, and so they decided he was like the cool guy on the hill. Not me, huffing and puffing behind ... nope, not the woman that takes them hiking day after day after day. No. They hang with the guy who has to hit the top at record time with the bones. That I carried in my pocket because he didn't have any. Oh, and I carried the backpack most of the way too.
Whatever. All I know is that next week I am hitting that trail every day until I can get to the top in record time without feeling tired.
And then the whole hike filled him with all this energy ... and he was all like gung ho, let's go, and I was TIRED! Why? Because of course I would be tired since I have been zinging with non-tired energy for the past month. It's all ridiculous. Though here we are at 9:00 on a Saturday night and he is in bed snoring. Oh, that was a loud one there. Am I in bed snoring?
No. 'Nuff said.
We went out on the boat tonight to see the fireworks and we found ourselves right in front of the barge. It was quite a discussion as to who was getting hit with more debris ... I still feel as though I am pulling it out of my eyes. They were fabulous though ... and the Bonewald family joined us ... and Chris wore sunglasses in order to avoid the stuff floating in the air, so we dubbed him Stevie Wonder ... and let's face it -- he claims he saw the whole show, but I think he HEARD the whole show.
It was a beautiful summer night and it was so fun to see the lake teeming with action. All the boats, the lights streaming from cottages ... there is something so special about summer. It reminds me of this teeny tiny bottle of patchouli that my friend Kris brought home to me from Greece when I was in high school. It was so small with a tiny cork smaller than the tip of my pinky. But it was an oil, so it was very potent.
Summer is like that. You lift out the cork and take a sniff, and inhale deeply ... because you know that you only have a small amount, so therefore you must enjoy it. And you treasure it because you can't wear patchouli all the time. I can smell it now -- an olfactory memory.
Almost drowned out by the snoring in the other room.
Happy Summer.
And hike with girlfriends.
Really. They care.

This is a good one. Wonder how much they had to pay the guy to stand still long enough to get a photo with the chick too.
I am just saying.
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