Today as I was rushing around trying to do ten things at once, I stopped for a moment as I was running upstairs. Yes, I stopped right in the middle of the staircase and I said to myself FOCUS.
Because this wasn't the first time I had run upstairs in the last hour. I'd gone up to do laundry, and then while doing that I decided to change the sheets on my bed. Then I remembered I was in the middle of something in the kitchen, but couldn't recall just what (since I am ALWAYS doing something in the kitchen) and I'd gone downstairs only to remember that I'd originally gone upstairs not to do the laundry or to change the sheets on my bed but to get my sandals. Because I wanted to go to the lake and sit on the dock and read.
And the thing I was doing in the kitchen was packing a salad to take to the lake to eat whilst sitting on the dock ... READING.
It is July for heaven's sake and I haven't read a book in weeks. Why? Because I don't know why! That is why. So I decided to sit down and write out what it is I do in a day that prohibits me from doing the dock thing.
7:45 a.m. I woke up and jumped out of bed because I wanted to hike at 8:15. As I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth I realized that my clothes were still somewhat damp in the dryer. I put that on, then ran out naked to put the top down on the Jeep with Maddie. Then I ate a Lara Bar because I didn't want to hike on nothing, but wanted to have some time for it to digest. Then I filled a water bottle, ran upstairs and pulled HOT clothes out of the dryer. Since it was humid and horrifically hot, I didn't want to put those on and needed assistance from Maddie to get the damp sport's bra into place.
Relaxing, no?
8:30 a.m. -- on the trail, the woods were cool and for the next hour and a half I thoroughly enjoyed myself as did the dogs. My friend Grace and I even sat down on the bridge and cooled off before turning around. We NEVER sit down during a hike normally!
10:30 a.m. -- I was back at home with a counter full of rotting strawberries. I also had to drive to go pick up my share from the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm. So I was once again rushing. I hulled strawberries for an hour, made my green juice, but didn't have time to clean the juicer because I had to be at the farm before noon and it was already approaching 11:30 and I had told Cheryl I would pick her up because she wanted to go with me and I had to drop the kids off at the lake.
Relaxing, no?
11:50 a.m. -- We arrived at the farm and picked up our shares -- today it was some squash, two cukes, a pint of raspberries, some green beans, peas and lettuce.
Because it was such a nice day and because driving around in the Jeep is so much fun, we decided to explore a bit, and went right instead of left, eventually arriving back out on the main road. This was relaxing, I must admit. Then we dropped off Grace's share, I dropped Cheryl off, then returned home to clean the juicer.
Seriously. And to pack a quick lunch, change into a bathing suit (do some laundry, change the sheets on my bed) and lo and behold, by three I was at the lake.
But not for long! Because the weather did its thing where it starts to rain and thunder ... so I managed to get one chapter read before we returned home, where of course I was full of vim and vigor and ready to do something, because clearly I hadn't done much.
So Maddie and I went to see Sex And The City because I was afraid that it would be out of theaters soon. And ... OH! I had popcorn. Oh, it was so delicious ... I swear, I don't think popcorn has EVER tasted so good. So that was my dinner. Not raw, and certainly not nutritious, but DAMN delicious!
9:15 p.m. Arrived home and Maddie, Charlie and I played Parcheesi. We have a tournament going on, and right now I think Maddie is slightly ahead of me. But it's because they are ganging up on me ... which isn't very nice. And they will pay, believe me! MUHAHAHAHA.
10:00 p.m. I am sitting here now ... and once finished, I am going to take my book and find a comfy/cozy spot and read until the wee hours!
What was the point of this? I have no idea. It seemed meaningful at the beginning ... but not so much in the end. I probably should have stopped in the middle and said ...
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