
SAD, which stand for the Standard American Diet, is what is making me feel tired today. Instead of my buzzing, busy self, I am actually tired after a long hike in the woods on a humid day. (Which would be enough to tire anyone, but normally it doesn't when I am eating RAW!)
I have been eating raw today, but the past few have not been so good. The past few and then some. It's so easy to fall back into the SAD ... and it is much like a drug, once it gets in your system, your body craves more and more. It's actually kind of scary. Whereas if you eat raw you feel sated and full after eating, when you eat say an ice cream cone, you're running around the house tearing things apart SURE there must be something good to eat.
Last night I had Charlie make me some pop corn. I was raw all day yesterday and had a nice organic meal of cooked food -- but there was still some bad food roaming about my body, perhaps in the form of those COOKIES MY SISTER BROUGHT up, that was teasing me, coaxing me to be BAD BAD GO FOR THE SAD.

I have not had a single potato chip since I launched into this experimental food program, and you have to know that sour cream and onion potato chips are for me what chocolate is for some people. I love them. Whole bags of them. Crunch, the flavor, the salt sticking to my lips, the way one will fit perfectly into your mouth and you can bite down and your entire tongue is flooded with flavor and joy.
Last night I would have eaten a bag if there had been one around.
Where does the willpower go? And really, it's not willpower, it just is. I eat my raw diet and I am perfectly happy. Give me a little piece of dark chocolate and I am good to go. But boy oh boy, have pizza one night followed with a bagel in the morning with some of THOSE COOKIES MY SISTER BROUGHT and I think there was an ice cream last weekend and a few cocktails here and there, and well.
It's not good. And I don't feel good. I feel heavy and lazy and wrong. And my heavens, I didn't even eat that bad!
I was reading in a raw blog that once you stop doing something bad (like eating sugar) for a certain period of time, when you go back to it it hits you like a ton of bricks. What an amazing thing the body is that it can exist on a sub-par level for years and years and you think you are just fine, and yet, when you stop that food, that it just says nope, not going to happen. We are no longer into sub-par. We want to party! We want the cells to scream with joy ... no more bringing us down.
Okay, okay. I get it. I'll try harder. For the party.

For the joy.
Just one potato chip?

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