What? After 185 years the Argus Champion was throwing in the towel? Quitting? Losing money month after month, rising costs ... done, poof. GONE.
It made me feel sick, it really did. The publisher's note mentioned that the Internet was pulling away readers and I thought, really? I love the Internet, but I love a newspaper. I have newspaper in my blood -- is it really a dying breed?
So of course my mind begins to race and I think, well, this leaves a huge hole in this area, and maybe this is the time to step up and fill it. And then I realized, no. I have another plan now, another career move in the works, and this just only proves that I am truly no longer interested in investing my time and energies in a dying industry.
I don't believe that newspapers will go away altogether ... but they are caught up in this economy of correction. For too long now newspapers have been whoring to the advertisers ... you will very rarely find anything but feel-good news stories on companies (or advertisers) that is just so much pap. Blech. I don't think that if it bleeds then it leads is the way either, but some hard core news would be so refreshing! You can get that on the Internet now -- there are countless sites that are devoted to telling it like it is. Not so much with newspapers. Oh, there are a few columnists that have strong opinions, but everyone in the higher offices of mostly corporate-run newspapers only care about one thing: Money. And where does the money come from? Advertising revenue. So be nice to the advertisers. And if they want to talk about how they started their company in a garage (gee, what a novel idea) instead of the fact that the CEO is a crook, then that is what you should write about.
Because otherwise they won't advertise. Did I mention BLECH?
But the Argus Champion was a local newspaper full of local news -- nothing too major, but nonetheless interesting to those of us who live locally. I believe that such newspapers do have a purpose and that is why I am so sad that it is fading into oblivion.
That is SO sad! I just can't believe it! Where are the local kids going to find pictures of themselves in sports etc?
Just think...if you did start your own newspaper your first hard headline could be "SISTER BRINGS BAD COOKIES...FORCING THE OTHER OFF THE RAW WAGON." Now there is some news for you!! If it makes you feel any better I have been off the raw wagon for a week and I feel like crap! Today is the day to get back on it!
Oh...and in terms of hard core news and the feel good stories...you never even mentioned the lovely gourmet raw goodies that I brought up as well. Hmmph! I think you should start that newspaper and then you could be the first to talk about your new business..that will start in your, no, not YOUR garage!!Tee hee hee
Wow, isn't that awful that I completely DWELLED on the bad cookies, and had more or less forgotten the yummy raw food you brought.
Sugar is a drug. It made me forget. I blame it all on the cookies.
is that better? LOL
LOL!! Ha ha ha. Yes, much better thank you and I TOTALLY agree that it is a drug! You know...the frustrating thing is that I did not loose even a pound on the raw thing...so the sugar in me says...ahhh what the hell. It didn't make any difference anyway now did it?
Saw Marie Osmond on TV. She has lost 40 pounds. Thinking I just might call nutrisystem myself! Ba ha haha. What would THAT do to my system.
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