Monday, April 21, 2008

I am so baaaaaaaaaaa-d and I don't know what to do!

Getting Hitler?

What is up with that?

I know I've blogged this before, but I often hear in my head "survival of the fittest."  I should also point out that when I use the phrase "often hear in my head," I don't mean voices!  It will just pop into my head at certain times, and has for a long time.

The picture that then follows is a tiger chasing a herd of sheep, and which sheep is dinner?  This is a basic law of nature, sure, but for whatever reason, there are the strong sheep, and there are the dinner sheep.  (I suppose I shouldn't always pick on the poor sheep!)

  Yeah, Lisa, you are so baaaaaaaaaaaaa-d

There are always going to be people who feel they are superior to others.  And until they read Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth, release themselves from the plague of their egos and accept that we are all one, there will always be Hitler's, George Bush's and whatever else that ails the world.  It's the fact that these thoughts run through my mind that are just as horrid as the mad men that frightens me.  

Food kills -- and while I don't yet have the bumper sticker, I am pretty secure in the knowledge that this is so.  And when I am in the supermarket and I look into the carts of people and see the piles of processed junk, and see the way their kid is acting and know that they will try to placate that child with something laden with white sugar and chemicals ... I think to myself ... (should I even admit this?  Probably not, but I've never been very good at self-regulating!) I think to myself ... survival of the fittest.  If cancer doesn't get them, then whatever plague comes down the pike eventually will.  Their immune systems are compromised on a daily basis and they are petrie dishes for allergies, auto-immune disorders and other alphabet soup ailments.

And I know if I said to them, "you know, those Pop Tarts are filled with so much garbage you wouldn't actually feed it to your least favorite pet if you had any idea of what it will do to you eventually," they would give me the finger and tell me to mind my own business.

And I'm not saying I wouldn't do the same thing if someone told me that the green produce and organic fruit I purchase has been secretly sprayed with a deadly toxin that will kill me in five years.  We believe what we believe, whether it's based on fact, fiction or just habit.

So I'm a mad man (let's pretend!) and I realize that these stupid fools are utilizing gasoline that is precious and finite and it's just a stupid waste, so I put an ad in the paper promising free pop tarts to the first thousand customers, and watch as they line up.  To get the super-toxic pop tarts fresh from the lab.  So they die.  In fact, I've done them a favor -- they were inferior.  They ate pop tarts.  And when I offer the free pop tarts to the next thousand people, they know that the original pop tart eaters all died.  But not from the pop tarts.  Who dies eating pop tarts?  Right?

Which would then make me think ... NONE of these people, who will eat free pop tarts, deserve to live!  They are clearly too stupid.  Those who don't eat pop tarts are therefore superior.  And they don't seem all that upset that the pop tart eaters keep lining up for free pop tarts.  Because when they tell the people that the pop tarts will kill them, the people tell them they don't care, because they are free.  And pop tarts.

Now I don't know if there is a secret sect of the government that is planning on a certain percentage of society to die off based on their nefarious plot of poisoned food, drugs and a sterilization program cloaked in a soon-to-be mandatory cancer-prevention vaccine (is that not just beautiful ... cause cancer to become rampant, breed fear, and then pretend you are going to make them all better.)  But it's possible they don't even need one.  Nor do they need cattle cars.

Were people walking into gas chambers thinking that they were entering Utopia?  Why would six thousand people at a time stand naked in a courtyard waiting for "disinfection" without trying to kill the guards?   How many people stood in windows and stared down at these people and wondered the same thing?  Why do they just stand there, waiting to die?


Because it's easier?  Because they didn't believe that they were going to die?  Even animals at slaughterhouses know when they are going to die -- they can smell it in the air.  Did millions and millions and millions of people just give up?  Did they feel that they should die?

I JUST DON'T GET IT.  And yet I do.  And then I don't.  But I suppose I do.  I mean, it's scary, but I truly believe that the only thing that would save the second round of pop tart eaters are the lawyers.   

Some Jews hid during the Holocaust.  Some people ran away.  No one believed it would get as bad as it did.   I guess that's what we're doing now, with Global Warming.  Some of us are hiding, building bunkers in the ground and stocking them with canned goods and water.  Some of us are running away, or trying to stop it by recycling and doing whatever we can do stanch the potential flood.  But I would bet the majority of us just don't believe it will get THAT bad.  There are people who know for sure ... and some of them even tell us.  But we don't listen.  How can we?

They wouldn't gas millions of people, would they?

Of course not.
Our government is there to protect us.

They wouldn't poison our food?

Of course not.
There is the FDA!  

Well, if the government is sterilizing people, they MUST have a good reason.


The same things that allowed government and industry to cover up the causes of cancer through the decades are the very same things that allow the government to suppress all the information and facts we have now about the damage to our planet. (And I'm sure it will be blogged about (or the equivalent of blogging) a hundred years from now by an evolved life form who will ask the ether ... )


Their polar ice caps were melting!

Did the people not notice strange weather patterns?
Did they not notice how sick everyone was from eating tainted food?
Did they not wonder why drugs made them sicker?
They just paid $100 a gallon for gasoline without complaining?
Why didn't they DEMAND that there be an alternative to a petroleum-based economy?


I don't know, future evolved one.

I screamed, I yelled, I banged my head against the wall.  I thought about hiding, stock-piling canned goods and fresh water, even burying big tanks and stocking up with cheaper gasoline.

And then I blogged.

It was all I could do.

And of course it wasn't enough.

I was baaaaaaaaaaaa-d.

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