Hey, look at the guy -- would YOU sleep with him? What type of gain does a lobbyist have for sleeping with a senator? (I really don't know, I am asking!) Personally, I just rolled my eyes when I read that, because really, who cares? The only time they bring out the mud is when someone is losing ... they call them their aces in the holes, their ticket to victory ... whatever. And I think that we the people should ignore all of it -- ALL of it. If we didn't learn anything from the Clinton/Lewinsky saga, then shame on us all.
I was reading an article that said that Hilary is going to be bringing out the big guns now that she is losing to Obama ... really gonna sling the dirt. I can't wait to see what he got himself into. Smoked pot? Yeah, so. Slept with 10 women at once. Good for him. Stole pieces of other people's speeches -- oh that's right, she already used that. What, she writes her own speeches, never borrows a word from anyone? PUHLEESE. She's probably fired more speech writers than he's hired. You know, because she has ALL the experience!
If he has begged, borrowed, cheated or lied, then so has she. We shouldn't care about things that don't affect their overall mission -- which is to try to undo the Bush wacking we've been taking. If they had sex, will have sex, want to smoke pot, or will lie to someone for the greater good of mankind, then so be it. We all tell our children there is a Santa Claus ... lying is part of life, as is sex. I am sick of hearing about the things we all do as something that elected officials can't do unless it's with their wives or WHATEVER.
Think about the time and effort each candidate must put forth in order to be good all the time. It's just so stupid. And really, you can't have more than one Watergate ... that was big, huge, DEEP THROAT ... and it's never gonna happen again. We all know the intimate details of what Clinton and Monica did ... and yet, impeachment or no, he stuck it out until the bitter end. I am saying, it means nothing. Bush should be impeached for commiting crimes left and right, but we ignore all of that. It's no fun, it's not sex or drugs or rock and roll.
It doesn't create good copy. Scandal is fun, but only if you can say someone is doing something inappropriate. McCain doing his lobbyist ... now that's something to worry about!
Give me a break.
1 comment:
I agree. I really don't care who sleeps with who. The mudslinging jsut drives me nuts. Hillary "bringing out the big guns" is just one more example of why we need a true change and not more CLinton. I think she could be as much of a lier as Bush. Hard to believe anyone could come close, yet, I think maybe she could. Let's hope the Democrates see through it all at their convention and do the right thing!
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