And how. I woke up this morning to find out that Charlie had a two-hour delay, and so I stayed in bed, hoping to fall back asleep. Instead I started to think of this book idea, and it became kind of strong, so I sat down at the computer, and here I am about 10 hours later, elated, full of energy and three chapters down!
Quite the bug! I was feverish, writing like mad all day long. It just poured out. I have no idea where it came from or what it is about or where it is going -- but it seems to know. I mean, I obviously have an idea, but each chapter fleshed itself out and I thought at the end of Chapter 2 I didn't have anymore to say, but apparently I did! I only stopped because people were bugging me. (It's always a bug of one kind or another!) I also of course did not deal with dinner, so we are going out to eat, though I'd rather just sit here.
I suspect it will be a late night. But don't worry, I won't get "writed out" by the book itself. I believe this blog "unblogged my clog" and there are many, many, many words ready to flow!!!
i sent you the things about coincedences, and then you go and say that they do not exist. Is this the kind of feedback I can expect on this blog? Just kidding hope your words keep flowing..that is very cool
anonymous rules!
You're righting another book! I want to read it! haha. I loved "helping" you write Time Out.
Dear anonymous:
Well, I don't think there is any such thing as coincidences ... because I believe that everything happens for a reason. It just SEEMS like a coincidence.
My words are continuing to flow, though I can feel myself running out of gas. Not surprising, since I've been writing for close to 20 hours in the past two days!
And yet, I am here to blog!
Dear Hallie --
Oh dear, I always forget that I have a child who likes to read my books. Well, at least you are a little older. I would like to get your opinion on the premise of this one. I am finding it very disturbing ... in fact, it is very hard to write. But that is all I am giving out. I have three solid chapters (I hated the hero's name today and spent way too much time going over boy names looking for a better one) and so only managed to start Chapter 4, because the name change thing meant other changes.
And I guess I should point out to all readers that you are an engineer and NOT an english major, because writing is not spelled righting. And no, Tomasen, spelling doesn't count, but glaring errors make me gasp just a tad!!!
I have to admit that that one "righting" made me whince a bit myself!
I too would love to read this disturbing book! I even think I have an idea of what it might be about. I wish that I could find the writing bug in me, but I do think that responding to you and thinking about writing more has begun to loosen things up inside! I have not, by any means, been bitten though.
Soooooo nice to hear from the anonymouses and Hallie's of the world!
As for your main character...you are working too hard at it. Just let it come to you! Or, maybe there is a reason you don't like his name...maybe you need to not like his name. Remember, there are no coincidences!!
That is very sad that I missed that error. I even read it over, just because I usually do to check for small errors such as those, and didn't notice a thing! I'm sure I was just too caught up in my excitement about your new book.
Tomasen -- that is very interesting. I think I am supposed to like this character -- but I have thought that before and grown to not like one. But it was a very difficult thing for me -- letting go of who I thought the character was and having to hear how others perceived him. Really. It is crazy how these characters become so real! Ethan and Mark in Time Out are forever a part of my life! Even more so than Lucy! (Though I did name my dog after her, kinda sorta).
Hallie -- It's okay, spelling doesn't count. For if it did, I would have to point out that Tomasen misspelled WHINCE (wince is the proper spelling) and that would be mean. So I won't!
I am happy that you are excited about the new book. Dad just walked by and asked me what I was doing today. You see, a woman sitting at a computer typing furiously for hours on end is I guess, doing nothing!
I get so caught up in it that when he leaves and returns I can't believe he is back so fast. Talk about a time sucker upper!!!
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