I am not saying it is me -- but yikes. I was catching up on my recorded
Oprah shows, and David Cassidy was on. Now, there was a true teen idol of my time. I loved him, he was cute, he sang, seemed incredibly sweet and every Friday night I watched
The Brady Bunch show followed by the
Partridge Family.
I mean, it's an intrical part of my life, like the blood coursing through my veins. When you examine my DNA through a microscope, you can see strands of Partridge. I know EVERY song, every single solitary word of every song that that family ever sang. I just wanted to climb onto that bus and be with them. Though I didn't want to be a Partridge, I wanted David!

But not this David. It's really not right, teen idols should not be allowed to age. And the worst thing of all -- HE CAN'T SING! Which makes me wonder if he ever could. I was just horrified as he sang -- or tried to -- "I Think I Love You," in this breathless wimpy voice with no depth, and ruined it -- I hate when they ruin a classic song by changing the tempo. I sat there with my mouth hanging open and watched these 40-something women screaming like idiots and waving their albums (I had every one of them, but for heaven's sake, somewhere along the line I threw them away and replaced them with CD's!) True, probably most people didn't think to purchase the Partridge Family CD to add to their adult library -- but I already said, it's in my DNA!
Now this is my David (come to Mama). Ooooooooooh. And really, this is how I am going to

choose to remember him. If I ever hear that David Cassidy is going to sing on a show or in a concert, you will see me hightailing in the opposite direction. I prefer my teen idols underbaked.
I think I love you.
SO glad I missed that Oprah!! Phew! I share that teenage love with you...atlhough I think I was always more obsessed with Laurie and thinking about being older like that. I was not as in love with David Cassidy as you were!! That is for sure.
So, perhaps this is when it is best to let a memory stay a memory...and by the way...I still have the album!! Not the CD!!! Ha ha ha!
Have you heard that vinyl is back on the scene as the latest and greatest? Kinda cool really...I saw this documentary where they talked about the depth that is lost in digital music as compared with vinyl. The funny thing is that they have also concluded that these are differences we cannot hear! Either way...just think it is kinda cool. I am also thinking and reading alot about music because I am teaching a summer course on Music and literacy....
Got anything to add? How does this music of your childhood speak to you differently than y our current day music?
It doesn't speak to me any differently ... I still listen to David singing away. I am often drawn to the old music, but I like a lot of what the kids listen to. I can't believe they can listen to music on their computers -- such a tinny awful sound. Probably exactly like vinyl records!
I wouldn't go back to them no way no how. Scratchy nightmares is what they were! The scratches always fell on your favorite song. Bump, bump, bump. Listened to it anyway.
Give me iTunes anyday!
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