Perhaps my rather uninspired upper paragraph is because this show sucked with a capital S. I can't even remember their names, other than that is Brooke Shields on the right and the one on the left was a paramedic on some show. Their character names, ho hum who cares. Oh, the one in the middle is Victory Ford (when I come across such names I realize that names are very important and well worth all the angst I put into them!) Victory Ford. Blech. I am going to go look up the other two names, be right back.
Okay, Wendy Healy is Brooke Shields, and the other one is Nico O'Neilly. Ick, Blick, double sick.
So, Wendy, Victory and Nico are I guess Sex and The City becomes Marriage and the City. Wendy is president of a top movie company and the opening scene is her walking down the sidewalk and then dumping her purse and fumbling to pick it all up. So what does that tell us? She's human. Whatever. And Nico, she is hot, she is blonde, beautiful and has the body we all want. And you know what? Her husband could care less, doesn't even look at her. And her job is one power play after another to keep her co-worker from stealing her job. Though, we find out, the boss isn't going to promote her because she mentioned to his wife that she might want a family.
And then we have Victory, completely ill-at-ease and despite the fact she had the balls to design her own clothing line, it flops and the next thing we know she is going out on a date with an arrogant bazillionaire. Because he said he liked her clothing line. Well, wait, HE didn't say that, his secretary did, because his secretary made the date and well.
We've come a long way backward baby. I really want to be watching a show in the 2000's about a bunch of women who have invested all their power in a bunch of men. MEN MEN MEN! Wendy is sure she is screwing up in her job, her marriage and with her children. Well, so what? She drops everything when her boss calls, and he calls whenever he wants. Another woman under an arrogant thumb with a dick. The show made me sick. I didn't even watch the entire thing because it was making me too angry. All that potential turned into so much uninspired pablum. Really, the only way to watch is to be force fed.
Nico, blonde, beautiful unable to get laid by her husband Nico, gets hit on by this cute 20-something guy, but no, she's not going to do it. She's going to remain faithful to her clearly unfaithful husband. Because if you're telling me that he doesn't want to have sex with his wife (who wears negligee's at home like we all do, with boobs hanging out) because he just doesn't FEEL like it, well then, Nico ought to be buying lottery tickets, because she managed to score the one man in a million who doesn't want to have sex with his hot wife. HAHAHA. He's getting it elsewhere, man or woman, I just so don't care.
It is just so disappointing. I suppose the whole angle with Wendy is that she is human and STILL able to be a president of a big deal company, but what is the point if you are fighting for your job every day? Same with Nico. Come on ladies, get together and open your own damn company and stop putting yourself in situations where men run your life. If you're so damn powerful than prove it to me!
Oh, I just won't watch another episode! If this is an example of what is being written, then I say HAIL TO THE WRITER STRIKE! May they all perish under their cliche-driven drivel and may future writer's (women perhaps?) rise up from the ashes and write stuff with wit, humor, intelligence and an entertainment value beyond a negative 1.
Lipstick Drivel.
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