Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The scent of samadhi

So I thought I'd come up with this great plan of purchasing christmas gifts for people that were made by women (free trade) in third world countries who, with the profits of their sales could support their families. It feels right -- the whole idea resonates with me.

Then I purchased a bar of soap from a woman who lives in Vermont, but I didn't pay for the price of the soap. Instead I chose to become a "friend" of this woman, who has an idea of a way to change the way the world does business. In essence, I paid a lot for this bar of soap so that she would be able to continue with her business in the hopes of keeping her prices down and developing new products. http://www.truebodyproducts.com/

It just felt right. I didn't buy stock in her company, I didn't even really buy soap. I bought into the idea. From the company's mission statement:

We believe that generating wealth means producing healthy and useful products, creating good quality jobs, protecting the planet, and contributing to our community, as well as making money. By this example, we hope to change the way the world does business.

And then there is the scent of Samadhi. Oh my. I was sent a sample of this stuff from one of my purchases and was instantly drawn to it. Hallie and I both liked it, so we kept it in the car. When you climbed in, you were instantly breathing deeply to try to inhale the most amazing smell. I didn't really know what it was, but then I came across a blurb on it that said it was the best deodorant around. I have been searching for the right natural deodorant for ages. And just when I think I have found one (a lot of them cause rashes for me) I will catch a whiff under my arm and scream NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I stink! How did that happen? Good heavens. Oh no. I mean, not horribly, but you know that smell. And granted, after I've been out hiking or walking. But still.

So I decided to try this stuff. Oh wow. WOW WOW WOW. It makes you feel good just wearing it, but I think that is partly because it causes you to breathe deeply -- which also energizes you. Scent of Samadhi get yourself a free sample. And now when I burrow my nose into my armpits (which is far more than normal because I can NOT get enough of this smell!) I am just awash in smiles. This is good stuff.

The idea of wearing items and scents that are supposed to surround me in goodness, optimism, health and nature is so appealing to me that it reminds me of the J. Peterman catalog. I don't even care if it is true -- just the idea is enough for me.

And now I am putting on my whiffer. I will tell you more about this once I know more myself!


It Rhymes With Witch said...

I clicked every link I could find to get a free sample and only see where I can buy the whole jar for $33. Any ideas? I'd really love a sample of this.

Tomasen said...

Well...I must agree your pits did smell heavenly!! How did it hold out...THAT is the question!!

Lisa said...

My pits still smell wonderful a day later -- and I haven't re-applied since I have yet to shower.

Kristen -- I don't know why none of those links work -- I tried them too, and you are right. Maybe they ran out? The link (originally) to it came from my Raw Food World newsletter and I wouldn't be surprised if they were overwhelmed. I guess keep trying???

Anonymous said...

try www.sensitiveplanet.com and contact them at this email: prateeka@sensitiveplanet.com

Anonymous said...

If you are using the conventional mosquito repellent,checkout the page…

Most of us have grown into adults snuggling to sleep sniffing to the slight aroma of mosquito repellents. What about those who are not yet present this world or are on their way – yes the reference here is to the expecting moms, new borns and infants!

In the fight against mosquitoes, we are harming ourselves and our children by using the repellents that contains harmful chemicals.Due to lack of awareness and ignorance by the parents,our children are exposed to these harmful chemicals that we introduced in our home.