Here is a picture I took the other day. I think the Love picture might be better (shhh, don't tell Maddie, she'll let it go to her head). I hate how you look at something and see the perfect picture, but when you take it, it doesn't come out as it should. This is an example of that. I couldn't figure out how to frame it properly without the tree branch -- and I am still a bit of a purist when it comes to photography and do not believe that Photoshop is the answer to everything. Every once in awhile I will alter a self-portrait of mine -- and then later think you know, what is the purpose of that? I am not taking self-portraits so much as an art form as a catalog of a year-in-the-life ... of me! So it seems ridiculous that I randomly lose lines on my face in the middle of April due to a cool tool!
Here is another picture that Maddie explained to me would have had much better composition if I had included the roof of the building on the left. I explained that I was trying to portray the view I had -- which was out the window, therefore I wanted it to be framed by the window. I don't think she agreed. In truth, I think the building to the left takes away from my actual focus -- which is the further building, the Jeep and the tree-lined road. This one could almost be cropped so that the roof of the building is gone. Let's try that.
Because the love thing ... there's not so much of it in the house right now. We are on Day Two of summer vacation with both of them home, and I am a wreck. Patience level sub-zero and dropping, I'm telling you. They fight constantly, and if they're not fighting and swearing (which is really PISSING ME OFF) then they are good old pals and laughing over stupid things and still driving me nuts anyway. Now, it's not helping that the weather is a constant, dull and drab gray monotone of boring, maybe it's going to rain, oh wait, is it going to be sunny? Nope, now it is going to rain, oh, thunderbang, ooops, I see the sun, nope, wait, that wasn't the sun that was some orb in the sky cloaked in clouds.
No! I am not in a bad mood, I am just in that wrinkle of time where I have lost my life and its comfortable pattern and I have to reinvent the days -- but only this time there are two teenagers staring up at me like little birds in the nest, chirping WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TODAY?
And the thing is, my motherly bird urge is to give them both a good kick and then peer over the edge and watch them fall. Splat.
No, I am not seeing a therapist. Why do you ask?
Hmmm ... I had pizza for dinner the past two days in a row, which of course does not qualify as raw food. Today I plan on being 100 percent raw. I wonder if my mood will change. I wonder if the dead pizza food has made me a bad mother bird. (I am chirping I DON'T CARE I DON'T CARE right now).
Yeah ... the summer of love.
Let us pray.
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