Friday, June 27, 2008

Now here is a dilemma

Remember when I said that the forecast for the entire summer (well so it appeared) had the sun/rain/thundercloud icon?

Well, today is a perfect example of that.   It was hot and humid all day, and driving around in the Jeep with the top down was great.  I dropped the kids off at the lake around noon and then went grocery shopping.  I then returned home to drop off the groceries and do some more strawberries (the kids and I picked 15 pounds of them this morning and I am going to freeze them for smoothies) when the sky started to look funky.


I thought maybe I should wait.  You see, the Jeep is in the garage with the roof down.  You need two people to get it back up, and I'm all by my lonesome.  NOT mind you that I am in the least bit upset about it.  I feel as though the kids have been velcroed to me and the break is much needed, much appreciated.  But I do feel trapped!

And, I wonder, CAN I put the top up by myself?  I thought I would let the thunderstorm/major rain pass by, but it looks like it is settling in as opposed to moving on quickly.  Which is no big deal, there is nowhere I HAVE to be ... except when you expect to be somewhere and then can't -- well then it just becomes a dilemma because.  That's all I am saying.

My plans have been hijacked by the weather!   And, well, I don't really like to be told what to do by anyone or any thing.

I know what you're thinking ... you're thinking I'm going to try to do the top on my own, aren't you?

I'll let you know how it works out!  

Oh wait.  It seems to be abating.  I think.  It is definitely less  .... nope, another clunk of thunder.  Obviously it's not that close or I'd have the computer off -- but still, I don't want to drive into a big slash of lightening.  That might hurt.

Okay, so it is about 20 minutes later and it DEFINITELY seems to be stopping.  Maddie called from the lake and said the storm passed by and it is sunny there.  I still feel trapped like a rat, but I'm trying to deal with it.

No, I didn't go try to put the top up -- I'd rather have it get sunny and keep it down!  Stupid weather.

I guess I'll go finish the strawberries now ... it's not like I don't have things to do.

Brought to you by the Rain's a Pain, it will DRIVE YOU INSANE if you own a Jeep society.

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