I am still formulating in my mind how I am going to go about creating this new business based on raw food and I just can't seem to care about politics or really any of the things I've been blogging about the past few months.
How cool is that?
I don't care!
I have no idea what the stock market is doing today, I have no clue where the candidates are in the polls, I have no idea what type of stupid thing Sarah Palin did today, yesterday or days before that. I don't care!
I truly don't!
It is so freeing. I do feel as though I have been released from a vicious cycle that I'd somehow gotten into without intending to. But even more so, I just inherently know without a shadow of a doubt that what will be, will be.
And the only thing I can do ... is let it be.
I used to think that inaction was a sign of passivity. I used to think that in order to initiate change, I had to get all fired up and charge full steam ahead and DO something, even if it wasn't productive. The thought of doing nothing made no sense to me.
There will always be a need for leaders and action, but I now realize I can't take it all on -- I can't read about it and become consumed with it. I need to take the information and process it, for sure, but then let it go. If I can change something within my own realm, then I should. But I know now, like I know my own name, that I can't make people change their minds or habits or anything just because it might change their lives, save their lives even. It just doesn't work that way.
It should!
And wouldn't it be nice if it did.
But it doesn't. So I have had to accept that people do not do anything they don't want to do -- no matter what.
And I'm alright with that.
I was having my hair done today and I brought everyone some raw chocolate pudding. I explained that they were market research and I was curious to see if they liked it. The majority did ... and said they would eat it again, even after finding out that it was made from avocado, dates, maple syrup and cacoa powder. One of the customers that was having her hair done tried it as well and liked it, and quizzed me about the way of eating, etc.
When we were leaving she was eating some of the candy that they have left out on the counter, and she looked at me guiltily and said something like oops, probably shouldn't be eating this, it's not good for me.
And I smiled at her and said that she didn't have to feel badly around me -- it was none of my business what she ate. Which is what anyone would have said I suppose, but the big thing for me was THAT I MEANT IT in a non-judgmental way!
She then went on to say that she had no vices ... she didn't drink, she didn't do men, she really only did one bad thing and that was to eat candy. And I thought, why does she feel the need to explain herself?
We make our own choices.
Good or bad.
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