Monday, October 13, 2008

The Joy of Looking

Oh what a beautiful weekend.  Yesterday on the boat I just couldn't look enough -- at the colorful trees or the magnificent blue sky, the wispy artistic clouds that made my jaw drop in wonder -- seriously.  Everything was just so pretty, and with my keen photographic eye :::::grin::::: everywhere I looked was picture-perfect.  Here we are at Sunapee Harbor and this is the "dinner boat," which was filling up with a wedding party, ready to hit the high lakes.  (As opposed to seas!)  We went over to the restaurant that was closing and had an interesting lunch comprised of everything the restaurant had left in their larder, set out buffet style.  Nothing like a plate of stuffing, rice, chicken, mixed vegetables, scallops and salad ... it was kind of weird, I won't lie.  But it was nice that it was warm enough to sit outside and enjoy the bustling harbor.  (When we took the boat out of the water this afternoon, the bustle was replaced with the opposite of bustle.  It was the anti-bustle.)
This was taken a little later, when the "dinner boat" was out and about.  As you can see, the leaves are pretty spectacular, keeping in mind that they never photograph as wonderful as they actually are.  Now all I need to do is photoshop that hideous cell phone tower or whatever it is off the mountain.  And maybe fill in the green with a little color ... but here you get the untouched virginal images.  This one is a little washed out, but it is the one that has the boat so perfectly placed between the lighthouse and the little island.  Also, note how low the water is ... the black edges of the rocks are normally under water.

We wandered around the lake and I had to laugh when I saw this next picture.  I think it is the epitomy of life in New Hampshire ... tie up the fun in the sun folks, summer's over and it's time to stack wood.

Later in the afternoon we dumped the kids at the cottage and headed down towards the other end of the lake for cocktails and a fabulous moonlit ride home.

Not that I want to say this ... because I hate the thought ... but it was a perfect end to summer.


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