And for $450 she very well should be!!!
I had no idea when I became drawn to the 30-day raw food challenge that the tools for such an undertaking would be so pricey!
I haven't ordered it ... yet. I am still researching. You can get it a little cheaper by purchasing a factory reconditioned one. Though ... I don't know. Why did it need to be reconditioned? That's always worried me. They use the word reconditioned, I read the word USED, and there is like a $50 difference in price.
Normally I don't put a lot of time and effort into purchases -- but I did with my juicer -- I did a TON of research on it. And I also bought a really cheap one first, for like $50, thinking that I'd at least see if I liked juicing. Well, that was a total waste of money because it was worthless, couldn't juice a fly. But when I finally made the big purchase (comparable to this one) I used it (and I was told I wouldn't for very long). I have used my juicer almost daily for four years. And it's still going strong.
It makes sense to buy something that is going to get the job done ... and last. And it's not like I'm on the fence with the whole raw thing -- and even if I was, we'd still use it for smoothies which we drink a lot.
I just want to make sure I get the bestest blender in the whole wide world -- the perfect one for me!!
As for the power of food ... well. Charlie gave me his cold and I was a prime candidate for the little nasty germs when I returned from Chicago. I hadn't juiced the entire time I was there, I hadn't exercised nor had I really treated my body as the temple it is. So, I got it. But I didn't get a full-blown cold -- just dribs and drabs of it. I am using my Neti pot religiously and that is keeping my sinuses clear and I am ingesting wheat grass daily and today, well, today I made the most disgusting juice in the world.
It is called COLD ZAPPER. It is carrots, grapefruit, ginger and garlic. It is, in a word, N A S T Y. I can hardly drink it. I took a few sips this morning an
d was immediately launched into a dance between nausea and the general overall feeling that dying would be preferable to feeling like this to ... well, I might feel a little better, then whammo ...
So I had a piece of toast with some nut butter on it and felt a little better. Then went on a 1 1/2 hour walk and returned to the drink.
It's so gross. This time it gave me the sweats ... like hot flashes ... kind of violent. I know that garlic is a natural antibiotic, but yikes! I am not even halfway through it, but I am determined. Also, the drink should be losing its power with each passing hour ... so it should get easier.
My point is that food is very powerful and I will let you know if this juice zaps my cold -- or me. Right now, I am thinking it could go either way.
Did I mention it was N A S T Y? The aftertaste is horrific. But seriously, after you take a sip you actually think to yourself, I think it is working! Then you feel like crap, but for that second ...!

Hmmm, how do I really feel???
I have a Vite-Mix! LLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE IT!!!!! I tried VERY hard not to buy one because the price is ridiculous. So I found a nice high end Kitchen Aid blender to purchase for $250. BIG WASTE OF TIME!!! I had problems with the container leaking so they sent me a new one. Which did not fix the problem. So they sent me another one that had a special piece added to it. That did fix the problem. Then I burned up the motor. So I was sent a whole new machine. Then a couple of months later something happened it to and Kitchen Aid said we are done with you! We will give you your money back. I made sure they gave me the purchase price plus the sales tax I paid. I think they were more than happy to do just that to get rid of me. Then I found a local Costco store that Vit-Mix was doing a show at and purchase my new machine for $350.
I am so glad that you said this! I am now one hundred percent convinced that I must purchase that particular blender!
Now just to find the cheapest price ...
Do you have a Costco store with in driving distance? That may not be much help. I just looked up the price of mine to make sure I was right about what I paid and I was wrong! It looks like I paid closer to $400 or so. I was going to offer to look here but after shipping it would not save you any money. Bummer.
The cheapest I can find it new is $450 -- and factory reconditioned is $350. That also comes with a 7-year warranty ... so I don't know, maybe that is the way to go. Or not! That is what I am hedging about now.
We do have Costco, but we're not members. We are to Sam's Club, but they don't have any -- I've looked!
I just have to take the plunge!
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