Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We, the People

On the ride home today I was listening to Rosie Radio on satellite and she was interviewing Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota and who has recently written a book on conspiracy theories.

Come to mamma. That is right up my alley. Love, love, love conspiracy theories -- they play right into my love of hatin' the man and my sure fire belief that greed outwits love any day.

So, they were discussing the 9/11 conspiracy theory which centers around the notion that steel can not burn or melt or whatever it did just with a little jet fuel alone. It needed massive amounts of assistance, and the theory is that the twin towers were rigged with explosives that took them down. I've always had a niggling feeling that they way they went down was suspicious, and so I lapped up the conspiracy theory with great relish. Also, the REASON that the U.S. would take such measures is that in the Project for the New American Century, we (as in We, the People) would not agree to a war unless something big happened on U.S. soil -- something really big, Pearl Harbor big. (It is also theorized that the U.S. lowered their guard and ignored all threats so that those threats could take place.)

Hmmmmm. As in things that make you go hmmmmm. But I don't want to get into this argument or discussion -- it doesn't matter. One thing our government is REALLY REALLY good at is lying, and once you lie once, you need to cover that lie up and so on. So there really is no truth at this point and time. There just is. I do not have the slightest doubt in my mind that a whole lot of scary shit has been going down through the years, and I find it interesting that I was just standing in Thomas Jefferson's home two days ago, and I'll tell you right now, I wasn't feeling it. He was so not there. Thomas Jefferson has checked out. He has rolled over in his grave so many times he is 30 feet under.

And why is that? Because everything he believed in, and all that he worked for, has been compromised and obscured by such things as the Patriot Act. And the media no longer stands as the watch dog of society -- it is the lap dog of whomever holds the purse strings. It fetches only for those that throw it a bone.

As a result, we have no fricking idea of what is really going on in this country. I just pulled up the coverage of the rally in Washington, D.C. that we happened to run into yesterday. It was crazy repetitive, considering there were SO MANY camera people and photographers. Why do they come? They aren't doing anything. Are they just ordered to go? It wasn't news AT ALL. It was a seriously pathetically small gathering of people with home made signs, but all the camera shots were short, so that the actual size of the crowd was impossible to tell. I will tell you. It was a pathetic showing of outraged people. But no one reported that.

Also, there was a HUGE response in terms of security in that they closed down roads and there were bomb sniffing dogs all over the place. Why? You telling me our intelligence departments can't figure out how many people are going to show up at a rally? If not, then let that give you an idea of how SAFE we are.

And my other blog yesterday I mentioned feeling uneasy. I thought about this quite a lot today; and here is what I think. I felt like I was in another country. A dictatorship -- where We, the People have no rights, or freedoms and we are just a wrong look away from being thrown into the pokey. I FELT THIS in my bones, and now I know that is why. The security detail do not interact with you; they pretend you don't exist. Why? At 8:30 in the morning there was NO ONE around. If these guys can't ascertain that my son and I are probably not high risk then they aren't that good at their jobs. Oh, EVERYONE is a high risk. Really? Why? Because WHO said so?

It's fucked up. It's TOTALLY FUBAR and you might ask yourself someday why I never put tags on any of my blogs. I will tell you why -- because ALL things on the internet are watched and all things on the internet are fed into programs that flag certain words. Oh, I don't censor myself -- and I don't think that I am on any watch list .... yet. But there are no freedoms, only the sense of it.

Of course you sound like you are a total paranoid psycho when you start saying such things. And for the most part I try to tamp down that part of me that KNOWS ... KNOWS ... KNOWS, because it then fuels a complete sense of inadequacy because there is NOTHING I can do. I can't even convince people that the public schools are killing their children (if not physically, then spiritually) and often they even agree. But they don't DO anything about it.

So what do you do?

I don't know. Been asking myself that my whole life.

I just spent the last month on the soil where slaves spent their entire lives as slaves. I toured ruins of plantations; I learned how forward-thinking Thomas Jefferson was (and yeah for him, he was obviously in love with a slave and fathered (ahem, allegedly) many children with her). I also read about the Revolutionary War, and the Civil War -- and we passed through the fields of those crazy battles where brothers fought against each other.

And what is different? Are we not slaves to junk food and technology and shitty education and out of control consumerism ... and a list of afflictions that begin with ADHD and end in Z? I stood at the edge of a garden in Monticello and I said to Charlie that these slaves had a better view than the majority of the free American population do today. There is a peace unattainable in no other part of the world than the top of a mountain -- and they had it every day. They weren't free, true.

But are we?

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