I am all over the place. It's not that I can't focus -- because believe me, I can. I can sit down and start writing in the morning and the next thing I know it is dark out.
I know this because I have done it before. Many times.
I can immerse myself in many things and lose all concept of time. They call this being "in the flow," and this girl can flow, let me tell you.
But unless I am completely engaged, I tend to be all over the place. Like this morning.
I have this really strong need to know all I can about alternative foods, supplements, etc. so that ultimately I will know what everything I put inside my body does for me (or doesn't, as the case may be.) This would seem fairly simple, but I can't just read something that says "this is awesome for you so take it everyday," and be happy.
Oh no.
I have been taking this supplement called MSM. I ran across it because in my role as Maddie's supervisor in making her feel all that she can be through eating properly, I was looking for something that would help her with her knee. She tore her ACL last year and while it has been repaired, it still aches after she excercises, etc. So I came across MSM, which provides sulfur, which is a building block of joints and cartilage and can help athletes.
But it also said it did a whole slew of other things, so I started popping them. And you have to take lots of them, twice a day. But people then ask, what does it do?
Well, lots of things. I just know it is good.
But do I?
So this morning I decided to find out all that I could about MSM. I mean, ALL that I can. And I have been reading both positive and negative information on it, and scribbling away in my notebook and definitely reinforcing my feelings that this is definitely more helpful than harmful, when out of the blue I thought, "I know, I would like to Photoshop the picture of all of us on the bed against the background of the ocean view."
So ... I put down my pen, picked up a picture I'd printed off of these various shots and started playing with them, trying to envision how to Photoshop them together. Since I haven't put any time into actually LEARNING Photoshop, I didn't even begin to play with it that way. But are you kidding me? I was doing something!
Which in turn led me to blogging about my inability to finish a task before moving on to another!
So now I am sitting here, examining all the things I was doing, should be doing and am doing, and have decided I am hungry and need something to eat.
Or not.
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