I know it is hard to listen to someone's dreams, but I woke up this morning after this dream, and it was one of those that just stays with you. And the funny thing is, during the dream I wanted to blog about it!
In the dream I had given birth quite easily to two babies. They were beautiful, blonde and I am pretty sure they were both boys, but I'm not one hundred percent on that. Because they never needed to be changed. They slept all the time, but they would nurse occasionally. We kept them on a bed with us, and it was after quite some time that I realized I had no diapers, no clothes, no crib, no NOTHING for either of these babies ... and yet, they seemed perfectly content, and I didn't seem all that worried about it. In fact, Peter was going shopping and it wasn't for ANY of those things that we needed!
Which is what I wanted to blog about! I wanted to blog about how EASY it is to have two babies after you've had three and there's been a long span of time. But ... I have done that, and it's not really THAT easy, so I'm not sure what the whole thing was about! But during the dream I was so impressed with the serenity of it all -- just taking these warm babies and feeding them, the other one waiting patiently until it was his/her turn.
From my books come the following meanings:
From Zolar's Encyclopedia and dictionary of Dreams, giving birth means:
A union at the physical, spiritual and mental levels.
And nursing a baby means:
A concern for your helplessness and wish to be loved.
From the Dream Directory:
As an object in dreams, a baby or child represents something that requires great care and attention. The meaning is at issue regarding whether it is your original responsibility or one that has been passed off on you by someone else.
From 10,000 Dreams Interpreted:
The people who appear in dreams are the characters with which we write our "play." Often they appear simply as themselves, particularly if they are people we know, or have a relationship with in the here and now. We may introduce them in order to highlight a specific quality or characteristic. We may also permit them into our dream scenario as projections of our inner life or state of being. Finally, they may signify someone who is more important than the dreamer.
To dream about a baby that is our own indicates that we need to recognize those vulnerable feelings over which we have no control. We may be attempting something new.
Psychologically we are in touch with the innocent, curious side of ourselves, with the part which neither wants nor needs responsibility. Dreaming of a baby can indicate that, on a spiritual level, the dreamer has a need for a feeling of purity.
If that infant was a boy (which I am pretty sure it was), the boy shows the potential for growth and new experience.
Okay ... last night before I fell asleep, when I didn't even think I'd been asleep, I was jarred awake by one of those quick dreams that I was falling. According to the book, to dream of falling shows a lack of confidence in our own ability.
Now that is important because I have been trying to make a decision. And I have been very confident that it is exactly what I want to do. And JUST before that dream I had a thought that maybe I was jumping in too quick.
After that rather abrupt awakening, I thought to myself that maybe I should meditate on it again in the morning. And then I fell asleep and the dream occurred at some point.
So what does the dream mean to me?
Well, a union at the physical, spiritual and mental levels is important because that is what I am striving for. I think we all do, of course, but I am currently consciously seeking this. The sense of peace that I have at this time is very indicative of the fact that I am definitely on the right path towards achieving this type of clarity.
As for a concern for my helplessness and need to be loved -- the way I see that is that my helplessness is a reflection of my sudden doubts. And yet, in the dream, when I was nursing I felt the most amazing sense of peace and security -- so the actual contradiction says to me that I have overcome that helplessness via this dream.
Well, a baby represents something that requires great care and attention -- as does making a decision that will affect the rest of your life. In addition, since a character in a dream highlights a specific quality or characteristic, the fact that mine was a baby makes sense in that my decision reflects something new and a departure from anything I've ever thought of doing with my life. It is brand new -- and yet requires care and feeding in order to grow.
Don't you just love dreams? Well, clearly I do. And I believe that this dream answered the question I'd posed to myself just before falling asleep.
It says to me that I AM making the right decision (and I can still feel the joy in which I wanted to write in my blog in the dream, to explain how EASY it was to have two infants (or this new life's path), and how I was prepared for it, even though I didn't have all the supposed necessities at hand.)
Which says that it is the right decision, I am going to find it intuitively easy and it will bring me joy.
I will keep you updated!
1 comment:
Is this the decision to go to school? I am more than curious!!
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