Sleep what off?
Well, let me tell you. Ever hear about the word moderation?
I don't practice it.
So last night I decided to go out to eat and eat food I haven't eat in 43 days. And I had two cosmos with that.
I should have stopped there -- a piece of fish and a couple of drinks. I probably wouldn't have been hit by the bus. But no. I don't stop there. I go to a party and drink wine. On TOP of the cosmos. Which had hit me, by the way. And it was a free booze party and I happened to be standing near the bar, so people were putting a fresh glass in my hand. Or I may have asked. It's hard to recall. And I drank white wine, and I am sure it was cheap. Well, according to my headache, which I just examined, it was absolutely cheap. WHY? WHY? WHY?
I don't know.
Really, I don't.
I couldn't finish either my salad or my meal because I was too full. So if I couldn't consume as much food as I have in the past, what made me so sure I could consume alcohol in such a manner?
I don't know.
I wasn't thinking. I was drinking. HAHAHAHAHA.
Anyway, I am just prefacing this entry with that so you will understand why I am in a less than stellar mood (I have to clean the house and pack for a ski weekend and I DON'T WANT TO!)
So I just read an article that O.J. Simpson is going to go to jail. Not for hacking his wife and her friend to death, but for stealing his crap back. I mean, you can't REALLY blame the guy, he got away with murder so he probably thought that stealing was pretty low on the totem pole of transgressions, at least for him. But what must he be thinking? I tell you what he's thinking, he's thinking IT'S NOT FAIR. Whiney baby boo boo.
And me, in my evil state of mind, am laughing. I am ROFLMAO (rolling on floor laughing my ass off). Well, not literally, because that might finish me off today, but seriously. How great is that?
I love karma. It's what gets me through my new state of not dwelling on negative things, like nasty teachers that I'd like to cut up into little pieces and put through my Cuisinart and high-speed blender (did I say that out loud?) Because I know that adults who make children cry will one day get it back, and that makes it a little easier for me not to jump into my car and go punch them in the nose. Because wow, that would feel good.
But I ... unlike misterstupidorangejuiceman ... **I** know the difference between right and wrong, even not very nice and probably shouldn't do it.
And even better, **I** know how to slip things into my blog without them being too negative. HAHAHAHAHA.
Wait a minute. The irony has not escaped me. Here I am, feeling morally and ethically superior to OJ Simpson, for crying out loud, when I feel like doggy doo from excessive eating and drinking.
My ass, after all. Has been bitten.
::::::::::::::::hanging my head:::::::::::::::::
Whiney baby boo boo
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