Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mid-morning musings

We went out on the boat yesterday; first Maddie and Hallie wakeboarded and then we went to a nice little cove and threw out the anchor and hung there for a few hours.

It was brutally hot and you had to jump into the water every ten minutes or so to cool off.

Then we went to Sunapee Harbor and the kids went to get ice cream, while I hung in the boat and read. There were three young boys fishing off the dock in the harbor and they had caught around 10 rock bass. They had them strung up on a piece of rope and they asked me to take their picture. I did so, and then I repeatedly asked them what they were going to do with all of the fish. One of the boys said that he was going to put them on his yard for the birds to eat. (Yeah, his mom would love that I bet!) Just before we left, they dumped the whole lot of them into the lake. Lovely.

And you wonder why the lake doesn't seem as clean and pristine as it used to be! Gross. And multiply that by how many little kids catching fish off docks and then throwing them back in, belly up. Gross. Gross. Gross.

We decided that we would head to Newbury and get pizza for dinner, and as we flew across the lake, I marveled at the fact that I completely trust Charlie, and didn't even keep an eye out for boats, etc. as I have in the past. I just let him go, as fast as he wants, all of our lives in his capable hands. Kind of wild. He is so happy to take people on the boat, he is happy to do the tedious chore of swinging around over and over as someone has trouble getting up on the wakeboard, very patient. It is something I am not the LEAST bit interested in! But it's nice to see someone excel at something they like. He can dock that boat with such finesse, it is really something to see. I recalled how nervous he used to be, just a few years ago. I would have to keep him from getting too freaked, and now, now he has so much confidence he doesn't second guess himself at all. Love it.

We ate our pizza in the setting sunlight that danced across the lake, then we headed in as the clouds had moved in and it was obvious there would be no fabulous sunset.

Hallie, Charlie and I then proceeded to go see a 9:30 p.m. showing of Julie and Julia in Manchester. It was a good movie, but not a GREAT movie. Meryl Streep has done yet another amazing job; she actually channels Julia Child she is so believable! As someone who loves to cook and who is going off on a venture of working in a restaurant, it was interesting to me that she ended up doing what she did purely by accident. She was just searching for anything that she could spend her days on. And it all started with writing a cookbook. I thought it was interesting also that she started out teaching cooking classes; but commented that there was no money in it. Which is why I decided not to do it myself.

Anyway, I just went out to the garden to water it and it needs a little attention. I enjoyed a few cherry tomatoes off the vine, sun-warmed and delicious, and then realized I need to pick the lettuce that is bolting. Sigh. I just don't have the ability to eat all of the food that is in the garden right now! There is one pumpkin that is coming along quite nicely. And there are still peas! Weird.

There is a wonderful breeze outside today, and while it is still hot hot hot, there is not that feeling of stagnation. I have prepped for dinner and we will have teriyaki grilled chicken, roasted red potatoes fresh from the garden and green beans and of course that ever perennial salad bowl. And now I am going to go make an omelette Julia-Child style!

I love to cook!

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